Home » today » News » How to apply for funds for undocumented persons excluded from federal aid due to the pandemic in New York? | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

How to apply for funds for undocumented persons excluded from federal aid due to the pandemic in New York? | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

ceballos, thanks foraccompany us.yisel: we start with aencouraging news. the portalapplication to requestworker fundsexcluded is infunctioning. but nevertheless,activists recommendget acquainted with theplatform before submitting yourrequest. ctor javier solanospoke with representatives whoThey said how can we gopreparing.>> I can’t have a jobfixed, I show up and the weekI’m not going becausemy children are at home.factor: this single motherhe lost the job he had ina laundry scale duringthe pandemic.now applied to receive thecompensation of the fundexcluded workers whosay huiá $ 2,106,000,000among undocumented women who have notreceived economic incentive.the program includes twolevels of support. a minimum oflevel two will pay $ 3200less taxes and requires likeminimum 2 points.complex and haverecommendations for thosethey aspire to follow him.>> should contact aorganization at your fingertips, thatcan inform you of the processto request the fund, bothwith the application as with thedocumentation.then, try to gather thedocumentation possible forbe able to access the first level.factor: must present evidencein the years 2018.2 1019 and 2020.a minimum of six weeks ofpayment receipts in the monthsprior to the pandemic.the irs forms wo 1099 of2019 and 2020.employer letter.if he is a workerindependent, a test ofLoss of 50% of your income.they don’t say what they are and 51 whatI put them accumulated depend onthe documentation that deliversthe solicitor.>> has to show thathe was working and alsoHe had his updated passport.factor: the activists of thecommunity organizationswill be doubly excluded andthey could run out of anyeconomic stimulus.>> as workersthe construction. alsoworking workersselling the streets and what notcan provide documentation>> I said come closerbecause each case is different andwe will be willing to help.organizations wereregistered to guidepotential applicants.can communicate, the

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