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“How to Activate and Use the Adapt Sound Feature on Samsung Phones for Perfect Sound Quality”

  • Some Samsung phones have a hidden feature in the settings
  • Adapt Sound prepares the sound for you according to your hearing
  • You can choose from profiles, or you can create your own

If you often use headphones and have a Samsung mobile phone at the same time, we have a tip for you that you may not have known about. It is buried deep in the phone settings. This is a function Adapt Sound.

Samsung writes directly in the settings: “Your hearing is unique. Compared to other people, you may be more or less sensitive to certain sound frequencies. Your hearing changes with age and your left and right ear may even be different. The Adapt Sound function will give you the perfect sound tuned exactly for your ears. It will work every time you put your headphones on.”

How to activate Adapt Sound on Samsung phones?

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select the Sounds and Vibrations section
  3. Then scroll down and select the Sound quality and effects section
  4. Here, select the Adapt Sound option

In the Adapt Sound function settings, you can choose one of the selected sound profiles – Under 30, 30 to 60, or over 60, but we recommend a hearing test for an accurate result. Just be in a quiet room and put on your headphones. Several sounds will be played, then you will confirm whether you heard them. Subsequently, one of the profiles will be created for you, which will be tailored to your hearing. The difference with the function off and on should be noticeable. You can edit your profile, rename it and add it to the list at any time.

To activate Adapt Sound, just go to Settings > Sounds and vibrations > Sound quality and effects > Adapt Sound, or you can directly search for the term in Settings, which will be a little faster. If you often watch videos or listen to music, we recommend turning this feature on. Of course it will work for you only if you have headphones connected. When listening through a loud speaker, the change is not reflected in any way.

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Marek Houser

Marek Houser

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Do you know the Adapt Sound feature? Do you use it?

Source: Samsung

2023-05-28 04:00:11
#headphones #turn #feature #Samsung

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