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How to Access the Housewives and Homemakers Fund for Retirement Pension in Italy

Can housewives, househusbands and all those people who have never worked receive a retirement pension? Here’s what the law says.

There are still many women who do not work in Italy. Many of these have made little or no contributions. The condition of housewives is characterized by not receiving any income from work and concerns people who are included in the income of their partner or their parents. This task, in Italy, is mainly carried out by women who take care of caring for children or elderly parents.

Is there a housewives’ pension? (lintellectualedissidente.it)

In Italy it is above all a mandatory condition from the difficulty of accessing reception facilities for children, the elderly or in any case family members in need of care. For cultural reasons, these roles are often the preserve of women, thus leading to an army of housewives who would like to know what their situation will be once they reach the age of 60. So, are they entitled to a pension?

Pension for housewives and homemakers, does it exist? Here’s what the answer is

There are only 9 million 768,000 women working in Italy, which means that they represent 42.1% of employed people, who pay contributions and will therefore have an insured pension. The majority of the Italian female population, i.e. 57.9% of the total, does not receive a salary and, therefore, a contribution from earned income. But can housewives still access the pension? We see.

What is the Household and Household Fund (lintellettualedissidente.it)

The answer is yes, since those who do not work they can sign up to Housewives Fund, aimed at women and men aged between 16 and 65. This means that it is possible to obtain a pension even for people who have not paid contributions from work. To be able to accrue it, you must pay at least five years of contributions and the social security check is calculated by the contributory system.

In short, with five years of minimum payments, around 1550 euros in total payments, there is the possibility of accrue a pension of 130 euros per year. The Housewives and Homemakers Fund is aimed at those who carry out unpaid care work. You can pay a minimum of 25.82 euros per month, which corresponds to a minimum annual fee of 309.84 euros.

For more information you can connect to the INPS website and access the section dedicated to the Household and Housewives Pension Fund. The section is that of the “Welfare fund for people who carry out unpaid care work resulting from family responsibilities”, following the path Benefits and services > Services > Housewives welfare fund > Registration (Citizen).

2023-12-24 20:00:31
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