Home » today » World » How they turned the People’s Court into another chewing gum for our sick society – 2024-08-04 07:21:33

How they turned the People’s Court into another chewing gum for our sick society – 2024-08-04 07:21:33

/ world today news/ What did the Bulgarian experience in the years of transition, but we had never had a fascist government until now. Since GERB cannot deal with any problem in the state, they have set themselves the sole goal of “beating” the BSP, so that at least no one publicly shows their dirty shirts.

In this battle, in the last months, they took out a new “trump” – anti-communism, but in their frantic attempts to make the socialists blacker in the last days, they went beyond the line of political fighting and stepped into outright neo-fascism. First, they erased fascism in Bulgaria and the Resistance against it from the textbooks, and on Friday they went completely crazy, attacking the socialist Valery Zhablyanov because he was the author of the BSP declaration against Lukovmarsh. And more precisely – to a phrase that someone in the BSP itself, for some inexplicable reason, removed from the official announcement. The media immediately pounced on it, so neither the declaration itself nor the warning in it about the creeping authoritarianism at the moment was heard. And the phrase in question is absolutely correct and does not even express a position – it simply notes an indisputable fact: “The People’s Court is a necessary and inevitable wartime justice”.
GERB asked the BSP to apologize again (by the way, apart from it, no one else has apologized for anything so far), and the reminder that the socialists already apologized for the innocent victims of repression during socialism in 1991 was presented with headlines: “BSP apologized to the People’s Court back in 1991.” No, ladies and gentlemen, the BSP did not apologize for the People’s Court, it apologized for the INNOCENT. And for the GUILTY, who will apologize? Because this court can only be represented as “criminal” outside of time and space. GERB politicians are apparently so “barefoot” in their knowledge of history that their blind rage against the opponent has led them to ordinary modern neo-fascism.

A lesson for the ignorant

We clearly need to inject some knowledge into the clichés that have breaded the brains of those in power. Yes, the People’s Court is a necessary and inevitable action, because it was conceived by the winners of the Second World War – Great Britain, the USSR and the USA, back in 1943. Then it became clear that Hitler would be defeated, and on the initiative of Winston Churchill, the Allies decided that in all countries those responsible for the war and the suffering of the peoples must be severely punished. Bulgaria – Hitler’s satellite, in September 1944 was a defeated country in the war, which was obliged by the victors to mercilessly punish the political and military elite, which dragged it into the side of Nazism from March 1, 1941 onwards. And this was not invented by either Zhablyanov or me, but was recorded in the protocols of the armistice concluded by the governments of the USA, Great Britain and the USSR with the Bulgarian government on October 28, 1944.
The conditions for this truce are: that the Bulgarian army immediately leave the occupied territories of Greece and Yugoslavia; Bulgaria to pay reparations to both countries for the damage caused; Bulgaria to ensure, at its own expense, the unhindered movement through its territory of allied (Soviet) troops by land, water and air; to find and punish those responsible for our country joining Hitler and those who crushed the partisan resistance. Churchill and Roosevelt even demanded that they be shot directly when captured, but the USSR prevailed for them to have a trial. Churchill adds: in court, arguments should be political, not so much legal. In the documents for the armistice negotiations, the words appear: “Bulgaria cannot resist the implementation of the agreement, it will have to implement it”. DUMA published these documents in the column “Black on white” already last year.
And also – during the time when the People’s Court was operating, from December 1944 to April 1945, our country was under the supervision of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, and a special Allied Control Commission was sent to it to monitor how the terms of the armistice were fulfilled, how is created and how the People’s Court operates. Great Britain even sends its military officers to Bulgaria to search for Bulgarian war criminals. The People’s Court was expressly confirmed by the Allied Powers on August 8, 1945 in London, as well as by the United Nations on December 11, 1946, and by the Geneva Convention (1949) for the Protection of War Victims. Everyone can answer for themselves whether it is true that the People’s Court in these conditions and in this historical time is “necessary and inevitable justice”.
Yes, it is also wartime, because for Bulgaria at that time the war was not over yet. It will end on February 10, 1947 with the signing in Paris of the peace treaty of the anti-Hitler forces with Bulgaria. This treaty again obliges Bulgaria to bring to court the persons who committed, ordered or assisted the fascist crimes. Three arguments help the USSR and the USA fight the demand of Greece and Great Britain that the territory of half of Bulgaria (up to Plovdiv-Asenovgrad) be taken from our country and given to Greece. The first argument is the existence of partisan resistance and the illegal struggle of the BKP against fascism until 1944. (Has anyone thanked the BKP that its thousands of killed activists actually saved the territorial integrity of Bulgaria?) The second argument is that Bulgaria, through the People’s Court, fulfilled

the condition of the armistice of 1944.

– “to punish those responsible for its involvement in the world war against the allied nations and for the atrocities connected with it”. The third – the country’s participation in the Patriotic War against Hitler from October 1944. These documents were also published in the DUMA. And these are not positions or biases of Zablyanov, but bare facts.
The raging neo-fascists from GERB and the Patriotic Front should also be reminded of some things about the People’s Court itself. It is not a “crime of the communists” (they had not yet taken power at that time), but was created by the government of the Patriotic Front and the main role in writing the Law on the People’s Court and in its implementation was played by other parties participating in this government along with the communists – BZNS “Pladne”, BZNS of Nikola Petkov, the social democratic party BRSDP, the circle “Zveno”, previously considered pro-fascist. Particularly active in the establishment of the People’s Court and the notorious camps for politically unreliable persons were their leaders Nikola Petkov and G.M. Dimitrov (Gemeto), as well as Kimon Georgiev, the head of “Zveno”, which heads the government of the OF (not that he participated in the Nineteenth of June coup in 1923, in the “white terror” as the leader of the Democratic Conspiracy and in the Nineteenth of May coup in 1934 .). In the People’s Court Law, these people explicitly list who will be tried and for what – governments, regents, deputies who decided Bulgaria’s accession to Hitler and ruled until September 9, 1944 in accordance with this; passed the Nazi anti-Jewish National Defense Act; they killed partisans in our country, in Greece and Macedonia; they have declared war on the USA and England, etc. Now GERB are waving the names of Nikola Petkov and Gemeto as a banner of “anti-communism”, and they are only attacking the BSP for the People’s Court. It is because, in their rage against her, they are blind to the ridiculous position in which they find themselves.
And the fact that the Supreme Court in 1996 fulfilled Tatarchev’s political order and acquitted the fascist deputies in our country, convicted by the First and Second Chambers of the People’s Court (a total of 170 people), is not a reason for particular pride in Europe, in which “the democrats ” they swear. The panels of the Bulgarian People’s Court convicted a total of 9,434 people, carried out 1,046 death sentences, and acquitted 1,485 people. At the same time, 90,000 were convicted of fascist activities in France, 12,147 in the GDR, 84,463 in the FRG, 53,000 in Belgium, 45,000 in the Netherlands, 38,000 in Czechoslovakia, and 26,000 in Hungary. the politicians from GERB are going today somewhere in Germany, in Great Britain or in France to publicly announce that the people’s courts there are a crime. However, they should carry a briefcase with striped clothes…
All heroes must be celebrated, all victims honored. It’s time for the BSP to stop apologizing for the hundredth time, because no one but them in Bulgaria has apologized for anything, especially for the atrocities from 1923 to 1944 or for the ruin of the country in the last nearly 30 years. And within itself, the BSP must clearly decide whether it is an anachronism to defend its anti-fascist past and present, as well as the indisputable achievements during socialism, or will it be left to the right to turn it into a monster and a chewing gum for lying to the Bulgarians, stuck with every day and more and more in material and spiritual decline. The people have said it: “Short memory – long weight”.

Appeal of Minister Nikola Petkov
A people’s court for all those who robbed, oppressed, tortured and committed atrocities against the Bulgarian people and for those who declared war and faced our country with a new catastrophe!”
C. “Agricultural Banner”, September 14, 1944.

The People’s Court
Dr. G.M. Dimitrov

It is a historical event that characterizes an era. The people judge not a person – but a system of government. the people are judging the system of violent, fascist and Hitlerite governments and their agents.
The people judge those who have arrogated to themselves the right to speak and assume heavy responsibilities on their behalf, without asking them and without considering their human, state and national interests.
The people judged those who committed arbitrariness and crimes and tarnished the name and honor of Bulgaria in front of the entire cultural world. Those who forgot blood, language, and origin and threw themselves into the path of adventures and historical crimes are on trial. The judgment of such a People’s Court cannot be a matter of revenge, nor of a simple judicial measure against the defendants. It can only be an act of supreme state interest and purpose. Such a sentence aims not only to give retribution to the victims of the past anti-people tyrannical regimes, but also aims to protect the people and the state from new earthquakes and catastrophes.

C. “Patriotic Front, 24.12.1944

Adolf Beckerle:
The Bulgarian government is completely on the side of Germany

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then during a reception with Ribbentrop, I was introduced to the political situation in Bulgaria. From this information it emerged that the Bulgarian government was generally and completely on the side of Germany. Hitler said that my task as ambassador in Sofia would not be complicated, since everything is safe in Bulgaria. My duty was the exact execution of the current political orders of the German government, which were many and which related to various aspects of the internal life of Bulgaria.
According to Himmler’s instructions, which I received by telegraph, together with the representative of the German government for Jewish affairs – Danneker, with the help of Minister Gabrovski, I managed to evict from Macedonia and Thrace the Jews (14-15 thousand people), who, according to my insistence, were sent to Poland. Their further fate is unknown to me.
Question: In addition, the Bulgarian and German units, under the pretext of fighting the partisans, destroyed the civilian population, exterminated innocent women, children, burned settlements, villages?
Answer: Yes, this was done as a preventive measure, so that other residents could not fall under the influence of the partisans.
Question: In this way, all your activities in Bulgaria were aimed at strengthening the positions of German fascism in the criminal war it imposed on the democratic states?
Answer: Quite right.

From the Minutes of the interrogation of Obergruppenführer Adolf-Heinz Beckerle, March 23, 1945, Moscow
FSB of Russia. N-20808. p.34-44.

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