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How the virus spreads in supermarkets – Science

A simulation shows how the virus cloud spreads in a shop. Accordingly, the pathogens can still be detected in the air for several minutes.

Finnish researchers have released a video that shows how the coronavirus spreads in the air. To do this, they simulated the distribution of breathable air through coughing and sneezing (without mouth protection) in a supermarket scenario.

The result is sobering. According to the simulation, the viruses can still be detected in the air for several minutes, even if the sick person has long since left. The virus cloud can even spread over the rows of shelves into the next aisle.

The scientists therefore strongly advise avoiding public spaces. Professor Ville Vuorinen of Aalto University in Finland says: “If you have to go to a shop, you go there as rarely as possible. Stay there as short as possible.”

Researchers at the Bauhaus University in Weimar have already shown the effect of the simplest face masks, as they currently have to be worn in Austrian supermarkets, on the distribution of the virus. They filmed the air movements after coughing and sneezing at hand, in the crook of the arm, with a mask and finally without any barriers. The results were clear.

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