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How the use of sunscreen should change in spring: let’s agree on filters and make-up

At least in theory, today we are better prepared regarding photoexposure and its damage, even if in practice we still need to improve. “We are witnessing aevolution in the consumption of sun products that no longer follows seasonality“, Gian Andrea Positano, head of the Centro Studi Cosmetica Italia, tells us. “For the Italian and European consumer, especially in the younger age groups, sunscreens are essential to protect themselves from UV rays and possible damage to the skin in every period of the ‘year”. If in Europe younger people are starting to use sunscreen all year round, in Italy problematic behavior in the sun is still very widespread: according to a survey carried out in 2023 by Aplusa and other La Roche-Posay partners (involving dermatologists in 34 countries, representing more than 80% of the world’s gross domestic product), although awareness of sun-related damage has grown to 91%, only 13% of Italians protect themselves all year roundwhile 61% do not know the difference between UVA and UVB rayswhich instead is fundamental to understanding how and why with the arrival of the beautiful weather and the extension of the daylight hours you need to protect yourself differently than in the winter months.

“UVA rays, which are the most dangerous because they cause photoaging of the skin with consequent risk of developing skin cancer, are present all year round, while in spring UVB rays also appearwhich are those responsible for burns and erythema”, explains Dr. Elisabetta Fulgione, dermatologist at the Vanvitelli University of Campania and National Treasurer of SIME (Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine). The problematic nature of spring sun exposure derives from the fact that the skin is not prepared to face prolonged exposure to sunlight: “The cells responsible for melanin production are poorly stimulated during the winter and they take time to reactivate their functions, this explains why it is easy to get sunburnt in the first sun and why it is essential to apply dermocosmetics with medium-high protection every day in this period, not only to the face but also to all other photoexposed areas “, warns Dr. Fulgione.

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The benefits of “microdoses” of sun

Spring, therefore, should be seen as the season in which to prepare the skin for the sun, gradually accustoming it to the rays to get ready for summer. “Expose yourself to the sun graduallywithout forgetting to use protection factors suitable for your phototype, allows you to get your skin used to the sun, while at the same time stimulating the synthesis of melanin to prepare you for actual summer exposure”, explains the dermatologist. “Gradual exposure it is also important because it allows our body to do stock of vitamin D which is synthesized above all with exposure to UV rays and which we cannot do without, because it contributes to the good condition of the skin and the immune system”.


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How to include sunscreen in your spring skincare routine

To expose yourself to the spring sun safely, the day cream used in winter and which – we remember – should already be equipped with a UV screen – must give way to adequate photoprotection, as can be the textures, usually lighter, of sunscreens ” urban” and those defined as “hybrid”. “After cleansing our face, if we are used to using a serum before the cream we shouldn’t give up our ritual, because the application of the serum can ensure a homogeneous application of the photoprotection. On top of the serum, the use of a so-called ‘hybrid’ sunscreen with medium/high SPF combines photoprotection and correction of skin signs such as wrinkles and discolouration, sometimes even allowing the selective filtering of the radiation range that we want to block or, on the contrary, let pass, such as narrow-band UVB or long UVA close to blue, to exert a very specific therapeutic action”, suggests the doctor. “Continue to generically propose broad-based photoprotection Spectrum 50+ is now perceived as taken for granted by everyone. Today photoprotection must be more personalized, specific to the needs that each person presents.”



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How to reconcile sunscreen and make-up

When, after skincare, you apply make-up it is important to follow a precaution: “The sunscreen should be used as the last step of the skincare and, before putting on make-up, it is important to let the filter dry well, so as not to neutralize its power”, he advises Dr. Fulgione. To then reapply photoprotection throughout the day, especially in the hottest hours, “my advice is to use an invisible sun spray or loose powders with SPF. Another solution to combine make-up and sun protection – concludes dermatologist Elisabetta Fulgione – is to choose a colored cream with SPF inside or focus on a compact foundation with integrated sun protection, which can be easily reapplied several times”.


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– 2024-04-06 18:49:49

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