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How the Presence of Substitute Teachers in New York Schools Affects Students with Special Needs | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

or to the teachers for waitingfile suit up to threedays, after the orderwill come into force.this mandate could becausing you to become negativechildren’s education. Thousandsof teachers continue withoutget vaccinated.not all have licensespedagogical.the lack of preparation hasto impact on thosestudents who need a lotto help.mariela: this teacher came out ofwith special needs fortalk about the impact they cansuffer these children, if there iseducator shortage.also that they have been instructedwithout by masters cinemasaudience to publicize yourindividualized plan.>> the difficult one when aperson does not know that you aregiving work to a student,ú you can’t do it the same ashow do you give it to anothereducation studentgeneral. u have to knowWhat are the needs of thestudent to modify themariela: 97% of teachers arehas vaccinated with the figures thatlet some seniors and them in theirfirst dose and now haveto be replaced.It is an institution that watches overthe education of students saidwhat are they working withfamilies of children that neitherhave even been able to go to theschool due to lack of staffsuitable to administertheir therapies. in the 75th districtchildren with needs studyspecials. they are children withautism, troubledemotional or with anylearning difficulty.wings of 24,000 children studyhere, 86,200 are Hispanics fromthe black race, the departmenthealth said there are 7000teachers, and for professionalssubstitutes in classrooms, whothey have also displaced others1000 from the central staffto provide supportadditional in classrooms, and that thegreat majority are licensedpedagogical.In other words, not everyone has it.advocating for studentswe asked the mayor.They talk about what they are doingto help them, if there is a shortageof teachers untoHe said there was a periodtransition or adjustment, that thealternates do the work fortake care of the childindisputably and what islooking for replacements.children with the samewe asked, were the ásaffected because they did not receivetherapies or services for monthsuntothanked for talking about this.

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