INFOGRAPHICS. The punctuality of the network has collapsed since the summer. This Friday, the RATP must present a recovery plan to Île-de-France Mobilités.
Par Thibaut Deleaz
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BSoon the end of the tunnel for users of the Paris metro? This Friday, January 13 in the morning, the transport operators in the Ile-de-France are heard by an exceptional board of directors of Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM). They must explain themselves to the organizing authority on the historical deterioration of the service in recent months, which is all the more difficult for travelers since the Navigo pass has increased by 12% on the 1is January. On the front line, the metro managed by the RATP, which, for lack of drivers, is unable to ensure orders from IDFM, raised after years of reduced supply linked to the pandemic. The Parisian management must present “a recovery plan for the offer, line by line”, we say on the side of the organizing authority.
Earlier this week, IDFM published the latest figures for metro punctuality during rush hour, dating from November. Four lines appear in great difficulty (6, 8, 12 and 13) with less than 85% of the bid made. Last June, apart from the 13th, which has been accumulating problems for several years already, they were all still above 90% punctuality. These four lines, but also 3, 4 and 7 are “very problematic and must be dealt with urgently”, ton IDFM.
READ ALSONavigo pass: what is behind the historic increase
Only three lines no problem
As for lines 2, 9, 10 and 11, at 95-96% of the offer made, they “remain to be improved”, even if they are closer to the objective set by the contract between the organizing authority and the RATP, between 96.5% and 98% depending on the lines. Only automatic lines 1 and 14, but also 5, are considered satisfactory. The RATP, which recognizes “difficulties on the network since September” and a “particularly difficult” end of the year, concedes that punctuality was not good in December either. And again, the published figures only concern peak hours, not off-peak hours where the intervals are sometimes much longer.
Under pressure from Valérie Pécresse, president of the region and IDFM, for several months, the incumbent operator of the metro claims to have implemented an “action plan” which would have already made it possible to improve the offer on the metro. since 1is January. While conceding that the return to normal will be “gradual”. This notably involves increasing the number of training sessions, some of which at night, to train 180 new drivers in 2022 and 400 in 2023. “This effort required more than three months of engineering work to develop the training program and demonstrates the company’s commitment to improving the transportation offer as quickly as possible. »
The arrival of the first automatic shuttles on line 4, the automation of which will be completed by the end of the year, also frees up drivers to redeploy to the other lines, not to mention a drop in absenteeism. Despite these efforts, indicates the RATP, “lines 7, 8, 10 and 12 of the network remain disrupted due to a lack of trains”.
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The stakes are high for the image of the historic Parisian authority, which must quickly raise the bar as the 2024 Olympic Games approach – where all eyes will be riveted on the Ile-de-France transport network –, but also the implementation competition from metro lines by 2040… and buses from 2025. It must also find hundreds of bus drivers, only managing to achieve 85% of the offer. It’s better than September, when punctuality fell to 75%, but it’s still far from normal.