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How the New York Community Can Anonymously Report Clues to the Police | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

kissknowledge give the greatvergara.the community spigotthey were key.we contacted the sergeantsnows on how peoplereport these anonymouslyand claim reward.we salute sergeant of thenieves.First of all, what kind ofinformation can provide aboutwhat kind of crimes.Is there any margin of time?>> the department wants to knowabout all types ofcrimes.from the most serious to thesimple wings.a person can callaonymously to our linegive up.of tracks.the information does not matter ifyears, we have the informationto try to solve allthose cases, because thedetectives work a lot, butsometimes they need the assistanceyou can close the case.adriana: sergeant, how to giveonly the tracks andhelp the cops, but fromso that the person does not runrisks?>> al various ways in whichone person can communicatewith the department.we have on social networks,we have applications infacebook, instagram o twitter.a person can communicateby the department for thoseyou were.our line of slopes 188857track.one can call and make areport anonymously.Adriana: How is the subject handled?$ 2,500 reward and up$ 3500, for information thatresult in arrest andaccusation by the prosecutor.the person can receive that

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