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How the Greek Princess Theodora followed her dream

The Greek monarchy ceased to exist half a century ago and the descendants of these aristocrats have no political influence. But it is still interesting to follow the lives of failed rulers. The press pays especially much attention to the Greek princess Theodora, a real aristocrat who exchanged an idle social life for the flashes of video cameras.

Princess of a non-existent monarchy

How the Greek Princess Theodora followed her dream

Theodora, Princess of Greece and Denmark

Theodora, Princess of Greece and Denmark, was born in 1983 in London. It was Great Britain that became a refuge for the royal family, who had to flee their native country after the abolition of the monarchy in Greece.

Theodora (or Theodora) is the second daughter of King Constantine and Queen Anne Maria, she is the granddaughter of the Danish King Frederick IX.

Theodora and her sister and brothers spent their childhood years in a luxurious villa in Hampstead Heath, north London. The girl’s father lost the throne, but this meant that his family ceased to be part of the royal world community. And the family had good connections. Therefore, the children certainly did not feel any discomfort or deprivation; they grew up as if their parents were the current king or queen, with the only difference being that they lived in another country.

As children, Theodora and her brothers and sister often went to visit their grandmother Queen Ingrid in Denmark and visited Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

The Greek royal family did not have a monarchy to rule over, but had family ties in Europe and was therefore always part of the highest aristocratic crowd. Theodora has relatives in three royal houses at once: Queen Sofia of Spain and Queen Margrethe of Denmark are her biological paternal aunts, and Elizabeth II was her godmother.

From shyness to theater

Theodora, Princess of Greece and Denmark

Theodora, Princess of Greece and Denmark

Aristocratic parents took the education of their children very seriously. Theodora was sent to a girls’ boarding school in Surrey. Afterwards, she continued to gain knowledge at the bilingual “Greek College” in London, founded by her parents for the children of Greeks who live in England.

But Theodora was not very interested in academic knowledge. She realized at an early age that what attracted her most was acting. According to the princess herself, she was very shy as a child, and the theater studio was a way to get rid of it. It was in the school play that Theodora’s career as an actress began.

The craving for the theater determined the future life of the Greek princess. She went to get her higher education at Brown, a famous American university. There she received a bachelor’s degree in theater culture and there she appeared on the stage of the student theater. In 1995, the play “The Greeks” was staged and Theodora’s name was indicated on the posters, although she performed under the stage name Theodora Gris (Theodora Greece).

By the way, she decided to use this pseudonym further in her career. Like a real Greek princess, Theodora decided to pay tribute to her native country. She staged a forty-minute one-act show as her thesis. She put her feelings of Greece and love into the work that she wrote herself.

Towards the Hollywood dream

Theodora, Princess of Greece and Denmark. / Photo: ZUMA Wire/Imago

Theodora, Princess of Greece and Denmark. / Photo: ZUMA Wire/Imago

In 2010, the princess decides to take a serious step: she moves to Los Angeles, the city of dreams, to pursue her dream.

Princess Theodora does not use her title as a Greek princess for commercial purposes, so she does not need to give it up. Although, to be honest, perhaps the producers would have paid serious attention to a girl with such a title.

Who would have thought that a real princess, albeit from a non-existent monarchy, would give up an idle life and portray a secretary on the screen. Theodora’s most famous role to date is that of secretary Alison Montgomery on the hit soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. This was the debut of the princess and fans of the series definitely know her.

After her debut, the princess starred in 9 more films. The last film was released in 2022. But so far, Theodora has not received any serious success and there are no significant roles in her filmography yet.

Marry a commoner on the third try

Theodora. Princess of Greece and Denmark. / Photo: social networks

Theodora. Princess of Greece and Denmark. / Photo: social networks

Princess Theodora was an aristocrat from birth and there were always representatives of noble families around her. Therefore, she never had a big dream of marrying a prince. On the contrary, the princess brushed off guys with blue blood in their veins.

Few people remember now, but she was even wooed to Prince William, who is her father’s godson. But for Theodora all this was nothing more than a joke and cheerful conversations. She told British journalists that she grew up with William and did not understand how the prospect of a relationship with him could even be discussed.

The heart of the creative princess was eventually won by a man who had nothing to do with the aristocracy. It was Matthew Kumar, a civil lawyer from California.

Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Europa Press Entertainmen

Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Europa Press Entertainmen

They first started talking about their relationship in February 2017, when they arrived together at the wedding of Greek businessman Philippos Lemos and his beloved Marianna Goulandris, which took place in London.

Already in November 2018, the world was told good news: the Greek princess was engaged. Fans of royal weddings were waiting to see when the ceremony would take place. But the matter dragged on and in 2023, rumors of a separation began to spread.

Royal wedding

Wedding of Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Getty Images

Wedding of Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Getty Images

They wrote about Theodora that she married a lawyer on her third attempt. This is because the date of the ceremony was postponed twice, but not because the couple had any problems.

First, the coronavirus pandemic got in the way of the lovers, and then in January 2023, grief happened in the princess’s family – Theodora’s father, King Constantine II, died. The couple said they would get married as soon as the mourning period was over.

Finally, on September 28, 2024, the wedding of Princess Theodora and her lover Matthew Kumar took place. The ceremony took place at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Greek capital.
Before the wedding, guests were gathered for a cocktail party at the Byzantine and Christian Museum.

For her happiest day, which she had to wait 6 years for, Theodora prepared very carefully.

Wedding of Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Getty Images

Wedding of Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Getty Images

For the ceremony, she chose a white off-the-shoulder dress from Celia Critarioti and the Khedive of Egypt tiara. The tiara was originally the property of Crown Princess Margaret of Connaught of Sweden. Princess Theodora attached a snow-white veil to her tiara. The image turned out to be royal.
Wedding of Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Getty Images

Wedding of Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Getty Images

The groom dressed to match his bride, focusing on the classics. He was wearing a black suit, an emerald vest and a bright tie. The newlyweds looked in love and happy.
Wedding of Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Getty Images

Wedding of Princess Theodora and Matthew Kumar. / Photo: Getty Images

After saying their vows of fidelity, the newlyweds got into a silver Range Rover and drove off. They continued to celebrate with their guests at a hotel in Glyfada, south of Athens, enjoying a magnificent view of the sea. A How the granddaughter of the Queen of England fell in love with a waiter and what came of it: Princess Eugenie and just Jack >>

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