Jakarta –
The predator-led JMS sect Jung Myung Seok in South Korea covered by the documentary In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal recruiting followers with the lure of heaven. Meanwhile, a doomsday cult in Uganda has its own way of recruiting followers.
Reported from BBC and Associated Press, the sect is called the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God or the restoration movement of the 10 commandments of God. This movement was formed by Joseph Kibwetere and Cledonia Mwerinde.
Kibwetere is a former school administration officer who is so obsessed with the vision of God’s 10 commandments in Christian teachings. Meanwhile, Cledonia Mwerinde is a businessman.
How to Recruit Followers
The way Joseph Kibwetere and Cledonia Mwerinde recruited their followers was by mobilizing each follower’s family. When a new member enters, he is also obliged to recruit his entire family.
From there, the sect’s following families were obliged to live in a desolate valley and cultivate crops. This activity is to meet the daily needs of members of the sect.
This sect also believes that the world will end on December 31, 1999, right at the turn of the new millennium.
They registered the movement as a group whose goal is to obey the Ten Commandments of God and spread the word of Jesus Christ.
The cult’s Christian religious attribute has tenuous links with Roman Catholicism with its leadership dominated by a number of former priests and nuns, including Ursula Komuhangi and Dominic Kataribabo.