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How the discoverer of the Freiburg Kyburg had to flee from the Nazis – Freiburg

Hermann and Otto Kantorowicz fled the National Socialists from Freiburg to England in 1933. They continued their scientific careers – against resistance until the 1960s.

After his sensational finds on the Kybfelsen, Otto Kantorowicz, who was born in Berlin in 1906 and grew up in Freiburg, continued to look at castle ruins in the region. So he soon explored the ruins of the Etzenbacher Höhe castle near Staufen, where he found parallels to the Kyburg. Kantorowicz then wrote another article on his findings for the magazine “Schau-Ins-Land”, the annual issue of the Breisgau history association.
Publication was planned for 1931, but it was delayed and was off the table when the National Socialists came to power in 1933: Kantorowicz’s family used to belong to the Jewish religious community and thus he was apparently also in the annual journal of the …

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