home, help.hope: excellentrecommendations. I heardbecause $ 125,000,000 isintended to eliminatedebt of tens of thousands ofnew york students whowere affected by thepandemic.elix matos explains howthe program works.let’s talk about the importance ofthis program announced by theGovernor Andrew Cuomo.>> it is a historical programwhich will allow 50,000students who erase the debtWhat do they have for tuition and fee?for the semesters that we werein a pandemic, so they cancontinue your studies withthat they already graduated that nohave a problem with that debt andthat I can think about continuingHis studies. they can continueyour educational dream.is a way to supportour students who havebeen through a very hard period,like all New Yorkers innew York.we hope it is a measureto help you continue withthe extent to which the economyimprovement in new york.the employers are looking fortalent.apply for this thestudents who have debt ofincluding the loanstudents so that we areall clear of the foursemesters starting with thespring 2020, whenthe new york pandemic started.spring of 2021.those four semesters, if youhas tuition debt andfinancial aid, that debt iswill delete automaticallylike you don’t have to do$ 100, you don’t have toDo nothing. that debt is eraseda.basicallyif you have debt and do not qualifyfor financial aid, we willto allow submitting aform that explains to us whatdifficulties had in thesemester so you canqualify for that help.for those people whothey paid full in those foursemesters, but still havesome kind of difficulty.if they enroll this fall,