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How the coronavirus pandemic has impacted Dominican artists and artists from other countries in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

hope: the pandemic toohit the class really hardaristic. many have hadmillionaire losses and a nothey manage to recover. we startedwith the Dominican businessmanthat tells us how difficult it hasbeen for usicians and artistsDominicans and othersnationalities that live off theparties in new cityyork.How does the pandemic faith given theworld of the show?the spectacle in sensegeneral has been affected.you mainly know that thenew york city being somultiethnic, we are the firstin getting a lot of good things,but we have also been wingsaffected.Caribbean music in theNew York state how has it beenaffected?new york being somultifaceted and so partying, orpctically ruined.has been paralyzed in the sensegeneral. we could notI still didn’t even lift thehead. although you see a light inthe one that all this supposedcome back, but I think we cansay that we are practicallyat 0.song we talk ineco-economic rules?we did an analysisof a company that we stopperceive the wings of 1 milliondollars in terms ofcontratacón. talking about theDominican artists. whowings of 20 or 30 million, butyou know that when those comespecters or artists theremany others are derivedbusinesses that we can say thatit can be 10 times that amountand in a general sense of allour countries are lostnumerous wings of$ 500,000,000. We are talkingof all the countries thatinfluence. here in new yorkthis is the biggest squaresimportant.I mean, it was a blowpretty strong.definitely. new YorkIt is the capital of the world. do notwe are the great state.we are the state that wingsmovement has and you likemeans of communication atimportant is to be able to feel thatfor being for the support that we havereceived each of uswe are not the exception of everything

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