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How the ‘climate pass’ could bring the environment back into the countryside

“We call on the candidates to speak out on climate matters. We are not at all on the level “, asserts Pierre Cannet, director of advocacy and campaigns for WWF France. The World Wide Fund for Nature proposes the establishment of a “climate pass” to ensure that France keeps its climate commitments. The goal is also to make the presidential candidates react, while the environment remains on the sidelines of the debates.

Put every political decision through the lens of climate indicators

With this pass, any governmental or legislative decision should be subject to the opinion of an independent institution, responsible for verifying its adequacy with climate objectives. One pass whether or not the measure in question would then be granted. “Any decision must be questioned because the environment is a cross-cutting issue”, explains Pierre Cannet. According to the NGO, this device would allow elected officials to have a better knowledge of the impacts of their measures. The bodies responsible for monitoring laws could also use this expertise to challenge a decision.

Read also: Two Sevres. A March for the climate, Saturday March 12, in the city center of Niort

An unanswered call

Today, the WWF is waiting for one or more candidates to take up this measure. “There is no substantive debate on an issue that is everywhere and complex. However, we need systemic answers. » But for the moment, this call receives little echo. “We feel that the candidates are listening, there is a good reception, but the context means that we have no concrete answer. » Difficult to put forward an environmental measure when the war in Ukraine occupies a central place in the news.

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The NGO remains optimistic, one month before the presidential deadline. “We are at the very beginning. In the final sprint, it’s a challenge to make sure the candidates grasp this question. » According to an Oibo poll commissioned by the WWF, 75% of French people find that climate pass is a good idea “.

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