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How the cabinet was surprised by the delta variant

Owners must determine whether they will allow people without a negative test allow anyway. At some clubs, as an emergency measure, self-tests are done at the door by visitors who have not received a result. There are also reports of tampering with copied QR codes.

Number of infections: 556

Number of fully vaccinated people: around 5.5 million


It was a regular fixture during the pandemic: on Monday, the 25 mayors of the Security Region met with Minister Grapperhaus in the Security Council to discuss the enforceability of the measures. On June 28 this is the last time for now.

If new corona measures are needed due to outbreaks, they must be be taken locallythe mayors agree.

On July 1 the GGD in Twente will come with news. An infection cluster was found at a disco in Enschede, where 800 people were present. The source and contact investigation is in full swing.

Number of infections: 826

Number of fully vaccinated people: around 6 million

Snotty shots

The teething problems have almost been solved, reports Testing for Access. With that, the second night out on 2 and 3 July run more smoothly. About 300,000 people are being tested for a QR code.

In Amsterdam it is very busy at shotjesbar Chupitos. One of those present is 21-year-old Danny. He does have some cold symptoms, but he also got a negative test result from Testing for Access.

At 6 am he goes to bed. Three hours later, he gets a wake-up call. An employee reports to him that he was positive for corona after all. Wrong, sorry. Danny is shocked: “I’ve been cuddling with everyone.”

In Enschede discotheque Aspen Valley is not open after the cluster that arose a week earlier. On 4th of July states the number of infections that can be traced back to the disco at 180.

Aspen Valley is not the only place where the virus has wreaked havoc. Dozens of people were infected at the same time at parties in Groningen, The Hague and Utrecht.

Number of infections: 1210

Number of fully vaccinated people: around 6.5 million

Code red

For weeks the number of positive tests decreased, but in a week the number of new infections has increased suddenly doubled, the RIVM reports 6 july. The increase is mainly due to 20 to 29 year olds. Many infections have been incurred in the catering industry and at parties, according to source and contact research.

The ministry is changing the rules for a QR code after a vaccination. Now the waiting time between the last shot or the first and only Janssen shot two weeks anyway. De Jonge has not made a mistake, he thinks. With the earlier waiting time, he was able to tempt young people to a shot and it was justified with the infection figures known at the time.

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