Home » today » Entertainment » How the 23-year-old managed to escape from the IPJ Dolj detention center. The detainee is extremely dangerous

How the 23-year-old managed to escape from the IPJ Dolj detention center. The detainee is extremely dangerous

The detainee who escaped is called Andrei Sorin Cruţan, he is 23 years old, and he is from the commune of Unirea in Dolj. He had been removed from the Maximum Security Penitentiary where he was serving a 3-year sentence for committing several theft offenses and was taken into custody at IPJ Dolj. He was to be heard in a murder case on Friday morning. Police are investigating the case of an 82-year-old woman from Mischii who was killed in her own house after being robbed, and the main suspect is Andrei Sorin Cruţan.

On Thursday, November 18, around 6 pm, the young man was taken out in the so-called “walking room”, a room with concrete walls, surrounded by barbed wire, but without a ceiling. Left unattended, the detainee forced an old door, which was no longer used, and managed to escape.

At IPJ Dolj the alarm was given immediately. Dozens of police and gendarmes are trying to find him.

In a communiqué sent to the press, the representatives of IPJ Dolj gave the signals of the detainee and the clothes he was wearing at the time of the escape.

“The person in question has the following signs: height 1.77 m, weight 65 kg, athletic constitution, oval face, short brown hair, brown eyes, recently unshaven.

At the time of the escape, the detainee was wearing a green hooded jacket with a red interior, dark trousers, and dark shoes.

The person in question had been sentenced to 3 years in prison, for committing several theft offenses, being brought to the center, to continue the investigations in another case “, it is shown in the IPJ Dolj communiqué.

In the case, the police officers prepared a criminal file, under the aspect of committing the crime of escape.

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