Home » today » World » How Sweden is helping Russia in the fight against the West – 2024-08-27 06:33:53

How Sweden is helping Russia in the fight against the West – 2024-08-27 06:33:53

/ world today news/ Stockholm sacrificed the national interests of its country and the civilizational interests of the collective West in the name of the right of its citizens to engage in obscurantism. And the main beneficiary of this sacrifice was Russia.

A new folk tradition has appeared in Sweden – the desecration of the Koran. The next – and far from the last – action took place on June 28. On the holy holiday for Muslims – Kurban Bayram, near one of the mosques in Stockholm.

Russian media reports that the holy book for Muslims was burned. In addition to this, however, an activist (Salvan Momika, who arrived from Iraq five years ago and received Swedish citizenship as a refugee) also wiped his boots on the pages and also put a piece of bacon in the book. Actually bacon, which is a forbidden food for Muslims.

This book should be banned worldwide. It poses a threat to democracy, ethics, human values ​​and rights, as well as women’s rights.” he explained his position. Forgetting that true democracy recognizes the right to cultural diversification, ethics presupposes the right to believe and the rights of a person (including women) cannot be violated by traditions that that person chooses to follow of their own free will.

The problem is compounded by the fact that Salwan Momika burned the Koran not only because he wanted to, but because he was allowed to do so by the country’s authorities. The issue is that back in February, the police did not allow two citizens (a private person and a representative of one of the public organizations) to burn the Koran in front of the embassies of Iraq and Turkey.

However, these citizens went to court and in mid-June the judges ruled that these bans were illegal. That they violate the right to self-expression. That a person can report the act of arson to the police and if at the same time he obeys the law (for example, a ban on open fires due to the fires raging in the country), then there is nothing to punish him for.

The Swedish police stated that “the risks arising from the burning cannot, given the legislation in force, lead to a decision to refuse the right to burn” . And in this situation, the position of the Swedish government, expressed by Prime Minister Ulf Kristerson, is very simple – “this is legal but inappropriate”.

In fact, the story of the permission to burn the Koran is one of the reflections of a new general Western trend – ultra-liberalism. Simply put, the elevation of one’s personal freedoms (the same right of self-expression) to the absolute and the elimination of the very understanding of public morality.

Rejection of the principle of mutual respect and tolerance of other people’s beliefs (however, for Muslims, the Koran is not just a book, but the embodiment of the divine word), from the basic democratic concepts. And, of course, the priority of ultra-liberal values ​​over such a sacred concept as the national interest – which Moscow can already take advantage of.

The first Russian benefit is already obvious – the permission to burn the Koran further distanced Sweden from NATO membership. Membership, which was positioned by the West as a spectacular victory over Vladimir Putin, as a kind of mockery of the Russian leader (they say that Putin launched the SVO for Ukraine to prevent the expansion of the Alliance, but in fact he got this expansion).

Turkey, which has yet to ratify Sweden’s accession protocol due to political differences with Stockholm, now sees the burning of the Muslim holy book as another insult. Moreover, the insult is not from an individual irresponsible activist, but from the Swedish state.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already warned that if the Swedish authorities do not respect the Koran, Ankara will not admit them to NATO. “It is unacceptable to allow these anti-Islamic actions under the pretext of freedom of speech. To turn a blind eye to such heinous acts is to be complicit in them” commented the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Hakan Fidan, regarding the current fire.

And now Sweden’s accession to NATO is postponed indefinitely. Even if the Turkish authorities want to ratify the accession protocol (and they don’t), the embittered Turkish population will not allow them to do so. And Erdoğan always considered the opinion of his voters.

And this is only part of the Russian advantages. Russia will get much more bonuses if the conflict goes from Turkish-Swedish to a civilizational level.

The fact is that the current Russian-Western conflict has many dimensions, many fronts. And one of them is the struggle for the sympathy of the global South. On whose side the countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America will be in the current conflict.

The West and Russia have different approaches to this struggle. The US and the EU use the carrot and the stick policy. They are forcing the Global South to comply with anti-Russian sanctions and at the same time trying to convince developing countries that Russia is the cause of all the current world crises. That it is Russia’s actions that pose a threat to world security. And finally, that there is a clash of democratic and authoritarian regimes in the world, one of which is Moscow.

The Russian authorities, on the other hand, act much more subtly – they do not try to impose foreign narratives on the South, but try to fit their own there. Moscow also talks about a global process – but not just about the war of democracies against autocracies, but about the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors. Against the neo-colonialism of the West. For the equality of all countries in the new multipolar world. For respect for peoples with different cultures, for global diversification.

It is in this struggle that Russia has already built its SVO in Ukraine. It is in this struggle that Moscow now embeds the Swedish actions, showing that they are only evidence of this same neo-colonialism. Disrespect, contempt for Islam, which is characteristic not only of the Swedes, but also of the entire arrogant Western culture. And at the same time, this is absolutely not characteristic of Russian.

It is a shrine for Muslims, it is a shrine for everyone else. We know that in other countries they act differently, they do not respect people’s religious feelings. And they also say it’s not a crime,” Vladimir Putin commented on the burning of the Koran during his visit to Derbent (where the Koran was presented to him). And Dmitry Volodin commissioned to prepare a comprehensive resolution of the State Duma condemning Sweden’s actions.

A decision that will likely be noticed and appreciated in the Islamic part of the Global South. Both morally and maybe even financially.

Translation: ES

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