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How Smoking Affects High Cholesterol Levels: Understanding the Link

High cholesterol is generally triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle, one of which is smoking. Illustration/Freepik photo

JAKARTA High cholesterol generally triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle and consuming too much saturated fat food. However, is it true that smoking also affects high cholesterol levels? Because smoking is an unhealthy lifestyle.

Cigarettes are often touted as one of the triggers for high cholesterol in the body. Moreover, smoking is one of the main risk factors for coronary heart disease and stroke, two diseases caused by high bad cholesterol in the body.

Reporting from the GoodRx Health page, smoking can indeed increase the growth of bad cholesterol and inhibit the amount cholesterol Good.

So, how can smoking affect the amount of cholesterol? Cardiologist and Chair of the Indonesian Vascular Association, Aulia Sani SpJP(K) FJCC, revealed that smoking can cause disturbances in fat metabolism. People who smoke are known to have lower levels of HDL (good cholesterol). That means, the formation of good cholesterol whose job is to carry fat from the tissues to the liver becomes disrupted.

While on the contrary, an increase occurs in bad cholesterol levels in people who smoke. Means fat from the liver actually brought back to the body’s tissues.

In a study listed in the journal Effects of Cigarettes on Cholesterol Levels 2 Hours After Smoking in Active Smokers shows that there are differences in cholesterol levels in people before smoking and after smoking. Blood fat levels will increase 2 hours after smoking when smokers spend 2-5 cigarettes.

Basic material cigarette contain chemicals which are harmful to health. In one cigarette there are approximately 4,000 types of chemicals, 40% of which are toxic. The most dangerous chemicals are mainly nicotine, tar, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and heavy metals in cigarette smoke.

Nicotine in cigarettes can speed up the process of narrowing and blocking blood vessels. This blockage and narrowing can occur in the coronary arteries, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to the heart.

2023-07-09 15:05:54
#Cigarettes #High #Cholesterol #Heres #answer

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