up to here the temperatures andthe conditions.Adriana: it’s importantstay informed. do what20th anniversary daystaccato terrorist attacksof the 11 of being always, theinsurance cop in newYork reveal two names as wellmorín gives way, morgan defense noware 1647 of 2700 victims thatstarting from that day in which thebeing in the air.gary: the tragedy is still freshthe memory of those whosuffered closely.sergeant rodíguez was ofservice left, narrates abitter moment with an officerof copia.A former FBI agent explains thesurprise that it meant for theintelligence agencies.>> what we didreceived, that no one hadreceived.we pay billions of dollarsfor better training,better resources.Gary: Following the event, thesecurity Departmentnational I believe certaindivisions operating atfederal level as an agency oftransport safety tolocal level like the boardagainst terrorism that hasthe nypd, which use systemportable radiacon.the response groupstrategic, the aí is fromshield and then a private one withwho sharetraining..>> if an independent in thestreet can be violence, whatcan make a terroristtrained.>> it was basically for bushorder the American people.deploys its strategies inmajor locationsconcentration.within those places whereincreases securitycovertly, one bringssquare, one of the points ásbusy manhattan.in the world trade center,in addition to steel substrate,added a metal fence5 feet tall byalthough not everything and fruitcalm city, eyes andgo behind the uniformseem to give peace to some.>> I want to be protected,the city.>> in older years we havecome, is for securityimprove.>> someone via a thrown bundlein a corner and did not thinkbefore now you can start is