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How Romanians who died of infectious diseases before the coronavirus pandemic were buried

PHOTO: Engin_Akyurt / Pixabay.com

Romanians who died of high-risk infectious diseases, such as smallpox, hepatitis, HIV infection, Ebola, yellow fever, typhus, plague, anthrax or rabies, were buried in special conditions long before the coronvirus pandemic, according to Hotnews.ro.

Also, embalming, washing, dressing, combing or inanimate body cosmetics are prohibited due to the high risk of disease transmission. Disinfectant was sprayed over the corpses, the face was covered with a mask, and the lifeless body was then placed in bags and in a coffin, which was immediately sealed. All these provisions appear in an order of the Ministry of Health from December 2017, signed by the PSD-ALDE government minister, Florian Bodog.

“Before covering the coffin with earth, the employees of the cemetery pour over the coffin chlorine lime or a disinfectant that generates active chlorine in a concentration of at least 10%. The pit must be at least 3 meters deep. Exhumation before the age of 7 years is strictly prohibited, except in the cases provided by the regulations in force.

Persons handling the corpse or clothing and objects contaminated with the deceased’s secretions must wear personal protective equipment: gloves, face shields, tyvek equipment, surgical masks, eye protectors and rubber boots that can be disinfected.

It is forbidden to use objects contaminated with fluids of the deceased. It is obligatory to disinfect the spaces where the patient stayed before he died, the objects, the clothes, the linen, as well as their cleaning. Disinsection of objects and spaces where the patient stayed before dying and areas where he was kept after death, including his clothing in case of plague, typhoid fever, hemorrhagic fevers “, are some of the specific precautions for the contract with deaths with diseases with a high risk of transmission, by order of the Minister of Health.

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