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How Romania gave hundreds of hectares to Austria

In the Friday evening edition of the show Exces de powere on Antena 3 CNN, the weapon of the year was presented in the midst of the Schengen scandal. This is how the Romanian state appropriated Austria with hundreds of hectares from us.

In the middle of the scandal linked to the non-reception of Romania in Schengenthe Romanian state manages the performance of responding to the enormous slap given by Austria with an ultra-questionable agreement, through which, neither more nor less, the Austrian state appropriates a few hundred hectares from us.

The operation concerns the construction of 4 photovoltaic parks on an area of ​​680 hectares, made available by the Oltenia Energy Complex. The investment is financed by the Ministry of Energy with the modernization fund to the extent of 70%.

The money, 410 million euros, comes from Romania’s quota for carbon dioxide certificates. They are included in the restructuring plan of CE Oltenia and granted on the basis of applications submitted by CE Oltenia and approved by the European Commission for CE Oltenia.

The Ministry of Energy also shows it on its website when it announces these projects. Write in black and white: Beneficiary Complexul Energetic Oltenia.

What is not written is that CE Oltenia has decided not to go alone in these projects, but to hire a partner through direct selection, without a tender. And this partner is OMV, whose main shareholder is the Austrian state.

The dubious action is not justified by any need for this partner. CE Oltenia arrives with 410 million euros and 680 hectares. OMV arrives with 76 million euros.

Only CE Oltenia had 76 million euros? Have. As he is making a whopping 4 billion lei profit this year.

If he doesn’t have it, could another Romanian state company take him as a partner? Hidroelectrica, for example, has a profit of only 3.5 billion lei for the first 9 months, despite all this.

CE Oltenia not only chooses directly to do the deal with OMV, but, mind you, to divide everything in half. The sensational contract envisages that OMV will become the owner of half of the 680 hectares and half of the energy that will be produced by the 4 photovoltaic parks over the next 25 years.

How is it possible to arrive at 10-15% of the project and take 50%? Maybe Minister Virgil Popescu knows. Since he is the one who brought Ms. Lăcrămioara Diaconu-Pințea to the direction of CE Oltenia directly from the direction of the OMV. The Ministry of Energy, which manages all projects of the modernization fund.

However, the construction creaks, precisely for which the Austrian company is trying to evade the law on public procurement, to make the project with the direct award and therefore there is no control over the money, so that it is not spent in a transparent and non-discriminatory way.

With an address of 7 September sent to the National Agency for Public Procurement by CE Oltenia, under the signature of Ms. Lăcrămioara Diaconu-Pințea, the advice of the agency is requested.

Can’t we escape the law? The agency doesn’t say much, but it’s better to tell ANRE where the deal with OMV fits.

Surprisingly, ANRE no longer turns to CE Oltenia, for fear of an unfavorable response, but to a law firm, Oantă, Gâdei si Asociatii SCP, which is interested on behalf of an unnamed client.

Instead the data of the request are exactly those of the project for the 4 photovoltaic parks.

It wasn’t difficult for the team Excess power to find out that the law firm is the one representing OMV.

On the website of the National Council for the Resolution of Appeals there are countless documents proving that Oantă, Gâdei and SCP Associates represent OMV, also in relation to Romanian state institutions.

But who defends the Romanian state from the robbery represented by this business? Nobody?

The reaction of the director general of the Oltenia Energy Complex, Daniel Burlan

“In 2019, Oltenia Energy Complex was in a difficult situation. It was in danger of going directly into bankruptcy due to lack of liquidity for the purchase of CO2 certificates.

We had to take bailout aid, at that time 254 million with the condition that it be transformed into restructuring aid and the condition that we do not repay that money. We had nowhere to pay back because we had no chance.

The Romanian state had to notify the European Commission of a restructuring plan, so that the rescue aid would turn into restructuring aid,

This process of selecting a company to join us to support these investments starting in August 2021 has been a transparent process.

All the necessary data and evaluations have been placed in the data room. Since the assessments weren’t done by the CEO, they were done by a Big Four consultant.

And when this process of selecting companies to associate with us was triggered, 30 companies were interested.

In the end, 13 companies bought the specification to participate in the selection procedure. The offers were in fact only from OMV and Tinmar.

OMV tender for 4 photovoltaic parks, Tinmar for 4 photovoltaic parks and the Turceni gas plant.

So it was a transparent process, a selection process that started in August with the respect of the milestones, according to the regulations”, said the general manager of the Oltenia Energy Complex, Daniel Burlan, in the broadcast Excess power of the 3 CNN Antenna.

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