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how Prince Philip surprised a reporter

Last Wednesday, June 10, Prince Philip turned 99 years old. The wife of Elizabeth II has long won the title of “king of trolling”: a lot of celebrities and politicians “suffered” from his sharp tongue.

So, for example, in 2001, Elton John made an appointment with Buckinegma Palace, who rode on a luxurious “Bond” sports car Astin Martin. “Ah, so you are the master of this pimped?” – Prince Philip addressed him.

In 1986, “got” the nuts from the stern dad and the Duke of York. After examining the house of Prince Andrew, he issued a verdict: “More like a bedroom of a maid of easy virtue.”

Not much duke ceremonies and with politicians. During a visit to Paraguay, where he had to meet with then-in-power dictator General Stroessner, Prince Philip graciously said, “How pleasant it is to be in a country that is not ruled by her people.”

In 1984, in Kenya, he behaved very badly, as they would now consider in the USA, and he would definitely “tear it to the British flag”, when, addressing a local resident, he specified her gender: “You are a woman, I understand correctly?”.

In 1998, the duke came to one of the schools where all the students wore a blood-red school uniform. “In it you look like the daughters of Dracula,” the prince could not resist comparing.

However, Prince Philip did not miss an opportunity to joke about journalists. So, on the occasion of his birthday, the fans brought to light the divine report from one of the social events.

“For such a respectable audience that has gathered here, this is a very romantic gesture,” the journalist says into the camera, while the duke walks by in the background and stops interestedly, watching her with a smile.

The girl waits when she is given a signal that she was taken off the air, and when she turns, she is surprised to find a crafty smiling high-ranking spectator. “Finished?” He asks.

By the way, Simon Kelner, the Republican publisher of The Independent, was less fortunate with the prince. At a reception at Windsor Castle, Prince Philip asked what he was doing here.

“I was invited, sir,” the discouraged chief editor replied. “It was not necessary to come,” the Duke of the guest finished off.

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