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How Poor Sewer Conditions Can Increase the Risk of Leptospirosis: Expert’s Warning

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA — Poor sewer conditions can actually cause leptospirosis. This was conveyed by an environmental health expert at ‘Aisyiyah University, Agustina Rahmawati following the high number of cases leptospirosis in DIY.

Leptospirosis is a disease caused by leptospira bacteria which can be spread through the urine or blood of animals infected with the bacteria. One of them is the mouse as a reservoir.

According to Agustina, the poor condition of the gutters especially those close to people’s homes can invite rats. This certainly causes ditches with poor conditions to be at greater risk of transmitting leptospirosis.

“A study also stated that people who have gutters with bad conditions have a 5.58 times greater risk of leptospirosis cases, compared to people who have gutters with good conditions,” said Agustina to RepublicFriday (30/6/2023).

Agustina explained, bad ditch conditions such as ditches that don’t flow, lots of trash in the ditches will actually be a favorite place for rats. In fact, usually mice also pee in puddles in ditches.

“When it rains, the gutter water overflows and stagnates, increasing the risk of leptospirosis transmission,” said Agustina.

For this reason, people are asked to maintain the cleanliness of their home environment, and routinely implement clean and healthy living behaviors (PHBS), including keeping gutters clean.

Apart from that, Agustina also emphasized that people pay attention to storing cutlery or cooking utensils in the open. Likewise, piling up dirty dishes and leftover food in the kitchen, as well as uncovered storage of food and drinks can also invite the presence of rats in the house.

“Food should be stored in a closed place, as well as eating and cooking utensils, so that animal contamination such as rats is avoided,” he said.

Previously, the DIY Health Service (Dinkes) noted that leptospirosis had reached hundreds by mid-2023 in the DIY Province. At least, 263 cases have been recorded in DIY from 2023 to June.

Head of the DIY Health Office’s Disease Control Division, Setyarini Hestu Lestari, said hundreds of leptospirosis cases were spread across all districts/cities throughout DIY. The biggest case was reported in Bantul Regency, which reached 110 cases.

“In Yogyakarta City there were 19 cases, in Kulonprogo Regency 36 cases, in Gunungkidul Regency 56 cases, and in Sleman 42 cases,” said Setyarini to Republic recently.

Of the total leptospirosis figures, his party also noted that 20 cases died. With details of six cases of death in Bantul, eight cases of death in Kulonprogo, two cases of death in Gunungkidul, and four cases of death in Sleman.

“In the city of Yogyakarta, zero cases of leptospirosis have been reported,” he said.

2023-06-30 09:34:48
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