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How not to get infected with coronavirus, told in Rospotrebnadzor

How to protect yourself from coronavirus infection?

● The most important thing you can do is keep your hands and surfaces clean.

Keep your hands clean, wash them often with soap and water, or use a disinfectant

Also try not to touch your mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands (usually this happens unknowingly on average 15 times per hour)

Carry a hand sanitizer with you so that you can clean your hands in any environment

Always wash your hands before eating.

Be especially careful when in crowded places, airports, and other public transportation systems. Minimize contact with surfaces and objects in such areas.

Carry disposable wipes with you and always cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, and be sure to dispose of them after use

Do not eat from general packaging or utensils.

Avoid complimentary handshakes and kisses on the cheek

At work, regularly clean surfaces and devices that you touch (computer keyboard, general office equipment panels, smartphone screen, remotes, door handles and handrails)

How to wear a medical mask?

1. Gently cover the nose and mouth with the mask and secure it to reduce the gap between the face and the mask.

2. Do not touch the mask during use. Wash your hands after touching a used mask — for example, to remove it.

3. After the mask becomes wet or dirty, put on a new clean and dry mask.

4. Do not reuse disposable masks. They should be discarded after each use and disposed of immediately after removal.

What can be done at home?

Tell your children about coronavirus prevention.

Explain to the children how microbes spread and why good hand and face hygiene is important.

Make sure everyone in the family has their own towel; remind you not to share toothbrushes and other personal hygiene items.

Ventilate the room frequently.

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