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How New York School Students Will Be Protected Against Coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

nothing at 85 what is leftthis summer.that the guidelines for thestart of the school year alreadywere announced in newYork, there are still many parentsthat continue with doubts aboutthe safety of your children.mariela salgado talked with thevice chancellor of educationon how they will be fulfilledthese protocols.>> nice to be here.mariela: the vice chancellor ofeducacón talked to newsunivision 41 to guaranteeparents and their childrenthey are safe. one was going afterthat they announced thesecurity protocols inschools.>> we have a delta threatmuch more than before. the childrenunder 12 years old not yetare vaccinated.>> parents who have children12 years and older, it is requested thatare vaccinated and forunder 12 years of age, who forplease give us permission toput them to the test every otherweeks.mariela: sometimes childrenhave intomas and notpresent, the problem is thatthey take that home andgrandparents.>> we are making sureeveryone wear a mask.that all classrooms andschools keep distancewe have all the products ofcleaning, we will continue withthe protocols.mariela: it’s not for being ajaroof bad omen, but II wonder what parentsI would like to ask you.the chancellor because she said thatthey were going to do their best tokeep distancingsocial, but the reality is thatthere are many schools that are>> í, we are working withour directors and withour superintendent, withall support staff forthe schools.was present in thosemeetings.everything to make sure thatthe directors use theirprograms and be creative tomake sure thestudents keep thesocial distance and eseninsurance.mariela: other spaces that don’tthey were used in auditoriums,I guess they will accommodate themto separate the children.>> use distance toas much as possible and make surethat the learning ofstudents always follow thestandard.mariela: remember what you saidto fill out those consentsso that they can perform the

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