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How neighbors should act in their buildings or urbanizations to avoid the coronavirus – idealista / news

The Professional Association of Property Administrators of Madrid (CAFMadrid) communicates to all residents a series of indications to avoid unnecessary situations of contagion both in the communities, as well as in the home itself, in accordance with the measures specified in the RD of the State of Alarm approved last Saturday, March 14 by the Council of Ministers, for which it calls for the strictest compliance.

CAFMadrid has transferred these guidelines to the communities of owners:

  • Maintain a contact distance of at least 1 meter between people who walk in the common areas of the communities of owners, mainly portal and stairs. Security measure that farm employees must also follow (porters, janitors, cleaners, guards …), given their fundamental role for the proper functioning of the communities.
  • Extreme daily cleaning with disinfectant gels, bleach or other non-abrasive materials in the most sensitive areas, such as the entrance door to the portal, the keypads of the elevator cabins, door entry or video entry phones, or the handrails of the stairs, using gloves and masks.
  • Close common areas or spaces, garden areas, children, outdoor recreation areas, rooms and in general any other shared space that is not necessary for the habitability and security of the building. Access is only allowed to the personnel in charge of the maintenance and cleaning of these areas.
  • Use the elevator individually to avoid contact with other neighbors. Press the destination button with your finger protected.
  • Recommend to the doorman that, like the rest of the residents on the farm, stay as long as possible in the housing-goal together with their relatives. You must use the first hours of the day, with less traffic of people, to carry out daily tasks, going out to give a round of control and surveillance from time to time. Outside the hours of basic functions, it is advisable that they only attend to matters of an urgent nature with the possible precautions.
  • Regarding the janitors, it’s recommended that they also carry out the cleaning and daily tasks in the first hours of the day and remain the rest of the time inside the janitors. The communities will be able to value the reduction of their working hours to the strictly necessary tasks and the organization of home garbage collection.
  • The works in progress, both private and in common areas or elements, will continue with their execution until the receipt of a specific instruction by the corresponding administrative authority. Although many of them will be affected given the lack of supplies due to the closure of the warehouses.
  • Home garbage collection will continue with the established days and times until other instructions are received by the competent municipal authorities, requesting maximum respect and compliance with the rules of each building.

Also remember that in this regard the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge has communicated a series of recommendations on the management of household waste from households with isolated or quarantined people due to COVID-19. On the one hand, the disposable material used by the sick person and their caregivers (gloves, handkerchiefs, masks), the personal protective equipment (PPE) of healthcare personnel (except glasses and mask) and any other residue from the patient must be disposed of. in the garbage can arranged in the room. On the other hand, the mask and goggles must be removed outside the patient’s room in a different bag. These two bags, hermetically closed, must be placed in the bag intended to contain household waste, also hermetically sealed, to later be deposited in the container intended exclusively for this purpose. It is strictly forbidden to deposit it in separate collection containers (organic, packaging, paper, glass or textile) or to leave it in the environment.

  • As for the parcel, ask the neighbors to reduce the essential minimum and necessary orders that require home delivery.
  • Post it on the notice board or in a visible place, in addition to the health recommendations, an informative poster with these preventive measures so that all residents, business customers or tourists of homes for tourist use are aware of them.
  • Suspend the holding of general meetings of owners, both ordinary and extraordinary, as meetings of the governing bodies not necessary.
  • The Royal Decree establishes the suspension of procedural, administrative, prescription and expiration periods.
  • Also, CAFMadrid advises that administration services continue to be provided through remote services.

This institution calls for calm and common sense to contain the coronavirus epidemic. Also to solidarity with those neighbors, usually of advanced age, who live alone, and who may need the help of the rest of their neighbors.


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