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How much would the coronavirus vaccine cost? Director AstraZeneca gives price

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Few things so long awaited in the history of mankind like coronavirus vaccine to achieve immunity to return to life as we knew it until a few months ago. There are many projects currently registered that are working hard to find the cures COVID-19, but one of the most advanced is that of the pharmaceutical AstraZeneca.

There are governments and companies that invest billions in research to find a cure for coronavirus, including those of United States and United Kingdom, which would obtain the vaccine at a preferential price.

How much would the coronavirus vaccine cost?

According to Olivier Nataf, the director of AstraZeneca, the economic contribution of the US and the UK have been key to funding COVID-19 cure studies, hence both nations have guaranteed the supply of the necessary doses in the future at a price that the pharmaceutical manager establishes in “two euros per dose”.

This refers to production cost of each doseIn other words, what the governments of those countries will pay, however, the final price for the population is unknown.

How is the price of the vaccine determined?

As with any other product, there are several factors that influence the determination of cost, such as the manufacturing process, component availability, number of doses needed, storage or transportation.

Also at stake is what each government is willing to pay for the product. If a Internationally organized purchasing and distribution mechanism, all countries are more likely to find an advantageous price. In Europe, a continental negotiation with pharmaceutical companies has been determined, since if each country launches its bid, prices are more likely to rise.

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