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How much money does DiDi lend? | the broken chair

Written in MONEY the

If you have downloaded the app DiDi because you use this platform to order food or a transportation service, surely you already received the offer to request one of the DiDi Loansor in your case, you will have already received an email.

However, most users of DiDi They still have many doubts regarding the money that this platform lends, so the first thing you should know is that DiDi Loans now it is part of the digital ecosystems that are venturing into offering financial products.

Since October 2021, this company began to offer the DiDi Loanswhich are aimed at drivers and users so that they can access a personal credit quickly from the application and without many requirements.


One of the advantages of DiDi Loans is that it is requested from the same application DiDieither through a notification that informs you that you are a candidate for this credit, or by going directly to the option DiDi Loans which is located in the menu on the left side.

To request it, you must be between 20 and 55 years old, have a valid official identification and follow the steps indicated in the application, among which are providing 2 personal references.


DiDi It can lend you from 300 to 30 thousand pesos depending on your credit profile, to pay biweekly in terms of 30, 61 or 91 days, depending on your financial capacity.

And you have the option to settle your debt before the term without any penalty.


Los DiDi Loans They offer a monthly rate starting at 5%, which implies an annual rate of 60% in the best of cases, since they can assign you a higher rate depending on your credit profile that they obtain after checking Credit bureau.

But, you will know the interest rate assigned until the moment of processing your loanwhich is a disadvantage because you will not be able to know in advance how much it will cost you.

For example, if you ask for a loan of 10 thousand pesos to pay within a period of 91 days, that is, in three months, DiDi It will charge you 1,897 pesos every fortnight, which means that in total you will pay 11,384 pesos.

Take into account that, if you are more than three days late in your payments, you will not only be charged late interest and collection expenses, and it will affect your history in Credit bureaubut they could also block the use of the application whether you are a passenger or a driver.


To do this, you will have two options:

  • In cash at Oxxo stores where they will charge you a commission of 12 pesos for this operation.
  • Through a SPEI transfer at no cost.

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