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How Much Money Can You Earn with Hartz 4? Understanding the Income Limits and Allowances

extra income? Basic allowance and earnings offset according to SGB II Every person who receives benefits from the job center according to SGB II (unemployment benefit II) may earn 100 euros as a basic allowance without the money being offset against the benefits received.

For Hartz IV recipients, 20 percent of gross earnings between 100 and 800 euros are not taken into account, and 10 percent of gross earnings between 800 and 1500 euros are not offset against the benefits. For example, if a job center customer earns EUR 500 a month, EUR 100 of this is the basic allowance and EUR 80 (20 percent of EUR 400) is not counted.

This means that the woman receives an amount reduced by 320 euros from the job center.

Any questions? Talk to your personal contact person at the job center Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf!

: Earning extra money?

How much can I earn with Hartz-4 in 2023?

Exemption limits for additional income – Pupils, students and trainees can earn an additional 520 euros per month from July 1, 2023 without the citizen’s income being reduced. The allowances for additional earnings thus correspond to the mini-job limit.

  1. Pupils can earn unlimited additional money during the holidays.
  2. Otherwise, the first 100 euros that a recipient of the citizen’s income earns will not count towards the citizen’s income.
  3. For the part of the monthly earned income that exceeds 100 euros and is not more than 520 euros, 20 percent of this is exempt.

If you earn more than 520 euros but less than 1,000 euros, 20 percent of this part of the earned income is not taken into account. From July 1, 2023, this will rise to 30 percent. In addition, from your earnings between 1,000 euros and 1,200 euros, 10 percent of this part is not offset against your citizen’s income (§ 11b SGB 2).

For people who have at least one minor child, the last exemption level even applies up to an income of 1,500 euros. Example : Andreas earns 520 euros a month with a mini job. He does not pay taxes or social security contributions from this. The first 100 euros and 20 percent of 420 euros, i.e. 84 euros, remain exempt.

A total of 184 euros are not credited to Andreas’ citizen’s income. You can use the allowance calculator from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to calculate how much of your earnings will be deducted from your citizenship allowance.

How many hours can you work on a basis of 165 euros?

Part-time job and unemployment benefit You are receiving unemployment benefit and would like to take up a part-time job: Find out what the requirements are and how much you are allowed to earn. If you receive unemployment benefit, you must register your part-time job with your employment agency in advance,

You may only work less than 15 hours per calendar week. If you work 15 hours or more, you must deregister from unemployment. You have an allowance of 165 euros per month on your additional income. Up to this limit, the salary from your part-time job has no effect on your unemployment benefit.

If your additional income is above this limit, your unemployment benefit will be reduced. Good to know: The inflation compensation premium is not counted as an additional income on your unemployment benefit. An inflation compensation premium is deemed to exist if your employer pays you tax-free allowances (or benefits in kind) of up to EUR 3,000 in addition to your salary to mitigate the increase in consumer prices.

How much does a 520 euro force cost?

from October 1, 2022
Employer is company Employer is private household
Employee share in case of increase 3,6% 13,6%
employee’s monthly salary 520,00 € 520,00 €
Employee contribution to pension insurance 18,72 € 70,72 €

How much can I earn on the side?

Since October 1, 2022, the mini-job earnings limit has been raised to 520 euros. Until September 30, 2022, it was 450 euros. A mini-job is always present when the employee earns an average of up to 520 euros per month. Calculated over one year of employment, he can earn up to 6,240 euros.

  1. If the earnings limit is exceeded, employment is subject to compulsory insurance.
  2. The mini-job center has put together what counts towards the earnings of a mini-jobber.
  3. His earnings include all ongoing and one-time earnings from employment.
  4. These can also be granted in the form of cash or non-cash benefits or other non-cash benefits.

These include, for example, allowances or overtime bonuses. The remuneration catalog of the German pension insurance provides information on whether income counts towards earnings. You will find the current DRV fee catalog in the brochure »In a nutshell: Fees«.

How many mini-jobs can you have at Hartz-4?

What remains of the 450-euro job at Hartz IV? – As a Hartz IV recipient, you can work a part-time job just like everyone else. It should be noted here that the income has an influence on the services of the job center. If your income exceeds the monthly allowance, it will be offset against the benefits of the job center.

For single people, the allowance is 100 euros per month (§ 11b Abs.2 SGB II). This means that as a mini-jobber you can keep 100 euros per month from the mini-job. If your income exceeds the exemption limit, 80% of this will be offset against the Hartz IV benefits. This means that you will keep another 20% of the mini job.

Find out more about the question: what is a mini job? To make this clearer, we would like to give you the following calculation example: In 2021, the Hartz IV standard rate for a single person was 446 euros per month.

  • Now the Hartz IV recipient is taking on a mini-job where he earns 450 euros a month.
  • To what extent does income now affect the benefits of the job center? Income from the mini-job – basic allowance = remaining income So, 450 euros – 100 euros = 350 euros After deducting the basic allowance, the mini-jobber still has 350 euros left.

This amount results in the further calculation of the 20% allowance: Remaining income x 20% = additional allowance So, 350 euros x 20% = 70 euros basic allowance (100 euros) + additional allowance (70 euros) = 170 euros This means, that the Hartz IV recipient with an income of 450 euros a month can keep an additional 170 euros a month without being billed.

Why don’t Hartz-4 recipients get an energy flat rate?

Relief: What is special about Hartz 4 recipients? – Due to the Income Tax Act, the amount of the energy price flat rate is not counted towards Hartz IV or other social benefits, or taken into account as income. This is to ensure that the relief also reaches all those entitled.

2023-08-05 02:22:12
#money #earn #Hartz #Lycée #Marc #Bloch #Sérignan

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