The headlines of the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) of the Anses (National Social Security Administration) receives an increase in October In this state assistance tool, which takes as a reference the inflation index for the month of August, the most recent record published by the Indec (National Institute of Statistics and Census).
In October, a 4.17% increase is applied, in line with the price increase recorded in August, which was 4.2%. In this way, October AUHlike other social benefits distributed by the pension agency, increase compared to the reference value of the previous month.
Anses distributes the AUH of the month with the increase of 4.17%Leandro Garcia – Anses
The update of social benefits According to the variation of the official Consumer Price Index, this is the new calculation method that began to apply from July to establish the amounts of this type of assistance. With this new system, which replaced the previous Mobility Law, the increases are monthly, when before they were every three months. Now, the adjustments They are made on a monthly basis and take as a reference the last record published by the CPI (Consumer Price Index)which is published 15 days after the month analyzed, so the percentage increase in benefits impacts the settlement of salaries for the following month. This means that there are two months behind between the collection date and the Indec reference percentage.
In October, AUH holders are entitled to the following amounts:
The figures mentioned correspond only 80% of the total benefitsince the presentation of a certificate of school and health attendance of the minors in charge is required for the collection of the withheld percentage.
The AUH arrives in October with a new increaseConsidered
The Universal Child Allowance It is intended for mothers, fathers or holders who live with under 18 years old and comply with certain requirementsThis aid has been in operation for 13 years and is one of the most far-reaching: it is received by 2.5 million families, which on average have less than two children; therefore, it reaches 4.3 million minors in total.
This allocation is aimed at the following population groups:
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