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How Much is the ‘Original’ of a Popular Internet Video Worth?


You probably saw this video at the time via Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok or other social media. The video of the ‘smiling’ boat, also known online as the BRWABLGABLWRABRABLA boat, was widely shared and even reached US media such as The Huffington Post.

Sinterklaas storm

The video was recorded on December 5, 2013, during the so-called Sinterklaas storm. Due to the strong wind, the sail covering the boat on the trailer flies, and the shape makes it look like a talking or smiling mouth. The smile sound that is placed underneath does the rest …

The original of this popular internet video is now available for purchase with a so-called Non-Fungible Token (NFT). These NFTs must ensure that digital art is also given a value.

‘Originals’ of digital art

Paintings and other ‘old-fashioned’ works of art have a physical original, which cannot be simply copied, but this does not apply to digital graphics. NFTs must ensure that the ‘originals’ in digital art are also given a value.

NFTs are a type of non-exchangeable digital coins. It’s a way of putting a price tag on art that only exists digitally. Every NFT is different and different in value.

The unique serial number

In the auction house, the buyer’s unique serial number is linked to the digital object. In the public log, anyone can see that only you own an NFT. People appear to be willing to pay a lot of money for this in some cases.

In the case of the smiling boat, things don’t go that way in the figures. The highest bid Mintable.app is now slightly above the equivalent of 900 euros, but what is not may yet come. Bidding will take more than six days. So who knows to what amount it will add up …

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