Home ยป Business ยป How much is the fine and what to do in case of a crash? – The financial

How much is the fine and what to do in case of a crash? – The financial

Few people know the obligations that are acquired when buying a car on the Mexico Citywithin which is having a vehicle insuranceat least, from civil liability, to be protected in the event of a road accident.

It is estimated that 70 percent of the cars that circulate in Mexico are not insured; In other words, only 7.4 million people have insurance, so having an ‘accident’ with one of them is highly probable.

In CDMX, the article 46 of Traffic Regulations requires drivers of motor vehicles to have current liability insurance policyissued by an institution authorized by the National Insurance and Bonds Commission (CNSF); that covers, at least, civil liability for damages to third parties in his person and in his patrimony.

The fine for not complying with this rule and driving a car without insurance 20, 30 or 40 times the Unit of Measurement and Update valid; that is, up to 4 thousand 149 pesos in 2023.

What to do if I don’t have insurance and suffered an accident?

In the event of a road accident, the CDMX Citizen Security Secretariat recommends verify that you do not have serious physical injuries that put your health at risk. Also, if possible, pull over so as not to obstruct the road.

It is important to stay in place, and not run away; otherwise, more serious crimes could be incurred.

Once this is done, it is recommended to call immediately al 911provide your location and wait, inside the carto the emergency units.

Once elements of the SSC are in place, get out of the car and provide all required documentation.

If you or the other person involved do not have vehicle insurance, the driving points out that the intervention of an insurance adjuster is necessary to assess the damage and determine the degree of responsibility of those involved; as well as the processes and procedures that must be followed to repair the damages.

If the adjuster’s opinion determines that the Guilty is the person who does not have insurance, the damages will be covered by the insurance company contracted by the person who does have their vehicle insuredas long as this benefit is stated in the policy.

In the event that none of them have vehicle insurance, the intervention of a Expert that determines the degree of guilt of the parties involved; as well as the amounts y legal sanctions to be paid by the person responsible for the accident.

Is it mandatory to have car insurance in Mexico?

In our country, by law, all cars that circulate on the streets must have at least the liability insurancewhich protects you for damages that you may cause to third parties in their person or their property, this derived from an accident.

If you still do not have insurance, we invite you to consult the Condusef Car Insurance Simulatorwhere you will find information about the insurers that offer you a product to protect your car.

Just enter here: CONDUSEF Auto Insurance Simulator.

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