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How much does it cost to build a house per square meter in 2021 from scratch?

The idea of ​​a detached house or villa, perhaps surrounded by nature or overlooking the sea or a valley below, fascinates millions of Italians. But how much does it cost to build a house per square meter in 2021 from scratch?

We group together the macro-items of expenditure

Building a custom-made home, from scratch and independently, certainly requires much more time, money and energy. There are many parameters that come into play for which it is impossible to give “the” right answer. You can only give very reliable price ranges but to be verified on a case-by-case basis.

First of all, let’s try to group the macro-items of the necessary works or tasks that will weigh on the final expenditure. They relate to:

a) available building land;

b) administrative permits and costs of design and construction management;

c) expenses related to excavation, foundations, load-bearing works in reinforced concrete;

d) the construction of columns e attic (floor and roof);

e) all masonry works, including the insulation of the house and the plasters;

f) various floors and windows (metal and wood);

g) water and electrical systems and connections;

h) painting, finishing, the little personal extras.

Let’s see how much a house costs down to the rough

If we do not have a building land we have to budget 100-200 euros per square meter for the purchase of the land. In big cities at those figures, you don’t even buy a marginal land and in the suburbs.

Now we have the costs of the building permit and the municipal charges: they vary from municipality to municipality and also depend on the cubic meters of the building to be built. For a house of 150 square meters, an average of between 8 and 13 thousand euros will be needed. Another 8-10 thousand euros will go away for the house project and the construction manager’s fee.

Then there will be earth moving works, foundations and reinforced concrete works for reinforcement and / or consolidation of the ground. Depending on the total area and the complexity of the work, between 15 and 30 thousand euros will go away.

Following will start the carpentry and masonry works aimed at creating columns, attic, roof, various internal partitions. Then we also include the insulation of the house, the floor and the internal and external plasters, at least the rough ones.

Here the parameters of variability are very many, because it involves many independent construction works but linked to each other. For a house of 150 square meters you can spend on average between 70 and 130 thousand euros. Personal tastes, quality of materials and difficulties in the work will make the difference on the budget.

So, how much does it cost to build a house per square meter in 2021 from scratch?

Let’s move on to systems, such as the plumbing (and we include the heating of the whole house) and the electric one. For an apartment of 150, an average of between 25 and 35 thousand euros will go away. In the case of the choice of highly efficient and latest generation forms of heating, this budget may not be enough.

Another expense item refers to fixtures, and here proceeding by estimates is somewhat risky. The quality of the materials makes the difference and we move from the economy of aluminum and PVC to precious wood. Between the two materials there is an abyss of quality and price.

Anyway in this article we have illustrated when it is better to choose them in aluminum or PVC.

Finally we have the finishes, the painting works (here at the link we indicate how much it costs to whitewash the house) and the various connections such as water, sewer, domestic users. We estimate the expenditure at 15-25 thousand, even here depending on personal tastes and preferences.

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