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How Microscopes Work for Various Applications, Know the Parts, Types and Functions

After knowing how a microscope works, there are several types of microscopes that are used for various purposes, including:

– Light microscope

The light microscope is the most commonly used type of microscope. This microscope uses light to magnify the observed object. Light microscopes are divided into two types, namely optical microscopes and electron microscopes.

– Optical microscope

Optical microscopes use lenses to magnify the object being observed. This microscope can be used to observe living tissue, cells, bacteria, and viruses.

– Electron microscope

Electron microscopes use electrons to magnify the object being observed. This microscope is used to observe materials that cannot be observed with an optical microscope, such as proteins, enzymes, and other molecules.

– Phase contrast microscopy

Phase contrast microscopy uses the principle of phase contrast to amplify the phase difference between the transparent and opaque parts of the object being observed. This microscope is used to observe living tissue, cells, bacteria, and viruses.

– Fluorescence microscope

Fluorescence microscope uses fluorescent light to observe the object being observed. This microscope is used to observe living cells and tissues, as well as to analyze proteins and enzymes.

– Microscope confocal

Confocal microscopes use the confocal principle to produce images that are focused at only one depth of the object being observed. This microscope is used to observe living tissue, cells, bacteria, and viruses.

– Scanning electron microscope

A scanning electron microscope uses electrons to create an image of the surface of the object being observed. This microscope is used for observing materials and metal surfaces, as well as for forensic analysis.

– Transmission electron microscope

A transmission electron microscope uses electrons to create an image from within the object being observed. This microscope is used for observing material and for forensic analysis.

– Super-resolution microscope

A super-resolution microscope is a type of microscope, which makes it possible to observe objects at a higher resolution than a standard microscope. Some of the super-resolution techniques used in this microscope are stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy, stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), and structured illumination microscopy (SIM).

– Polarizing microscope

Polarizing microscope is used to observe the observed object using polarized light. This microscope is used to observe minerals, fibers, and other materials whose optical properties are affected by the orientation of the molecules.

– Multiphoton Microscope

Multiphoton microscope is a type of optical microscope that uses multiphoton excitation technology to produce high-resolution images of living tissue. This microscope is used in biological and medical research to observe living tissue.

– Raman Microscope

Raman microscope is a type of microscope that uses Raman spectroscopy technology to analyze the observed sample. This microscope is used to observe the chemistry and structure of materials, as well as to analyze the quality of drugs.

– Digital microscope

A digital microscope is a microscope that combines traditional microscope technology with digital technology. This microscope is used to take pictures of objects that are observed and display them on a computer screen.

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