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How Medium-Management Enterprises Promote Theme Education for High-Quality Development

Medium-management enterprises and medium-management financial enterprises conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee’s various deployments on thematic education, adhere to high standards, strict requirements, and practical measures, solidly promote the full development of theme education, and promote high-quality development to continuously achieve new results.

China Datang Group Co., Ltd. immediately organized a mobilization and deployment meeting, fully launched the theme education work, scientifically formulated the implementation plan, and combined 17 key task plans with reading classes, special party classes, themed party days, investigation and research, and special topics for the party group center group Combining learning, special democratic life meetings, etc., systematically and orderly promote the work of theme education.

The Party Committee of the Agricultural Bank of China closely combines its own reality, timely researches and formulates the theme education work plan, and refines and formulates three sub-plans of investigation and research, theoretical study, and publicity work, and integrates theoretical study, investigation and research, promotion of development, and inspection and rectification. Agricultural Bank of China theme education draws a detailed “road map”.

Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd., Harbin Electric Group Co., Ltd., China Dongfang Electric Group Co., Ltd., Ansteel Group Co., Ltd. and other enterprises combined with the actual work, set up a theme education leading group in a timely manner, deeply studied and understood the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, and focused on organizing Leaders, systematically do a good job in job design, and ensure that the theme education is strictly grasped and grasped in place.

In the themed education, middle-management enterprises and middle-management financial enterprises closely focus on high-quality development, which is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, guide development practice by strengthening theoretical study, and promote the solution of development problems by deepening investigation and research. Implemented to complete the various tasks of the Party’s 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The leading groups of party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels affiliated to State Power Investment Group Co., Ltd. have in-depth searched for problems and shortcomings, and focused on solving problems in value creation, capital operation, quality and efficiency improvement, integration and coordination, risk prevention and control management, etc., and promoted quality improvement. Effective promotion and reasonable growth in volume. China Three Gorges Group Co., Ltd. is guided by six types of surveys: strategic, countermeasure, forward-looking, follow-up, dissection, and supervision, and closely connects the needs of the country, the expectations of the people, and the future with the Three Gorges. Together, strive to promote high-quality development.

China National Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., China Telecom Group Co., Ltd., China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd., China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., China Satellite Network Group Co., Ltd., China Electronics Corporation and other enterprises have comprehensively studied and implemented Xi Jinping The thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era systematically promotes the study of innovative theories, investigation and research practice, high-quality development and improvement, inspection and rectification of problems, and adheres to the integration of learning, thinking and application, and the unity of knowledge, faith and action.

“As a front-line employee, we will integrate the general requirements of the theme education ‘learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and making new achievements’ into the hot practice of ensuring energy supply.” National Energy Group Shendong Coal Bulianta Mine 22406 fully mechanized mining face Zhao Hu, the captain of the first team, said.

In the theme education, the medium-management enterprises and the medium-management financial enterprises insist on problem orientation, and carry out problem rectification and reform throughout the theme education. Go to the problem, learn with the problem, and make changes in the face of the problem, so that employees and the masses can truly feel the reality of solving the problem effectiveness.

China FAW Group Co., Ltd. sorted out the problems found in inspections, audit supervision, and assessment inspections, and carried out special rectification of outstanding problems in the construction of the party’s grassroots organizations; compacted and comprehensively strictly controlled the party’s political responsibilities, focusing on engineering fields, procurement Special actions such as rectification of problems in the field and marketing fields have effectively solved a large number of pain points, difficulties and blockages. Combining continuous deepening of reforms, China National Machinery Industry Corporation, combined with inspection and rectification, audit rectification and special governance, etc., promoted the key tasks of the theme education “theoretical study, investigation and research, promotion of development, inspection and rectification” and achieved practical results. Bank of China adheres to the unity of problem-oriented and goal-oriented, focuses on the six outstanding problems required by the central government and the specific problems of the Bank of China, and combines the actual situation of the unit to achieve its own high-quality development in serving high-level opening up and Chinese-style modernization .

Strict supervision and guidance to ensure effectiveness. Medium-level management enterprises and medium-level management financial enterprises strengthen organizational leadership, mobilize key personnel to form a tour steering group, and consolidate the work foundation with strong organizational leadership and work measures.

China Huadian Group Co., Ltd. established 11 touring guidance groups to carry out full-coverage touring guidance to 49 directly affiliated units, conveying the spirit of learning and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions, the major decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and the group company’s party group on theme education Deploy and arrange, guide and urge directly affiliated units to implement well, and carry out theme education in a solid manner. China Construction Bank has formulated the “Working Rules of the Tour Steering Group”, which regards guiding research work and promoting the transformation of research results as important responsibilities of the tour steering group. Follow-up follow-up visits and other flexible and diverse forms to strengthen the supervision and guidance of the research work of the party committees of directly managed units. The Bank of Communications will combine the implementation of the theme education requirements with the implementation of the central government’s various decision-making arrangements, so as to achieve two-handed and two-promotion. China CITIC Group Co., Ltd. organized mobilization training for all members of the comprehensive coordination group and the tour steering group to promote each group to seek practical results and pay close attention to implementation.

(Reporters Meng Xiangfu, Zhu Jun, Ouyang Jie, Wu Qiuyu, Li Xinping, Ge Mengchao)

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2023-05-02 09:04:00
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