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How many voters cast their votes? – Vesti.kg

More than 1.7 million Kazakhstanis have already voted in the elections

By 10.00 among the regions, the highest turnout was demonstrated by the voters of the Zhambyl region, the smallest – by Almaty. The main reason is migration.

A resident of Astana, who introduced herself as Aidana, said that she could not vote because her permanent registration address was in another city.

– I have been living in the capital for many years and have a temporary registration for a year. As they explained to me, I had to take an absentee ballot, and for this I need to travel 500 kilometers. It’s a pity, of course, in the presidential elections I was included in the additional list, after which I was able to cast my vote,” she shared.

Observers from Kyrgyzstan also noticed the low electoral activity in Astana.
Professor of the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Irina Orolbayeva noted that these elections differ from the previous ones in many innovations.

– I consider the column “Against all” to be a great achievement. The introduction of single-member constituencies makes it possible to present one’s candidacy,” she commented.

It should be noted that out of 12,032,550 Kazakhstani voters, 6,390,046 citizens voted.

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