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How many times in a month should a man ejaculate to be healthy?

How many times should a man ejaculate per month to be healthy? Find out the verdict of the experts.

Good physical and mental health is also linked to good sexuality. Orgasms bring multiple benefits. Some experts have traced back to the average frequency of male orgasms that would promote good health.

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There would be no doubts about the average number of monthly ejaculations that would guarantee a man a good psycho-physical health. Healthline has covered the subject with the advice of some experts and here is what they concluded.

READ ALSO —-> One orgasm a day keeps the doctor away, here are all the benefits

How many times a month should a man ejaculate?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Probably yes. We know one fulfilling sex life brings many benefits in terms of health. As for men ejaculate regularly it mainly helps to protect the prostate from the risk of cancer as shown by a study published in the journal European Urology conducted on 31,925 men.

man ejaculation benefits
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The research cited above has also established what it should be the average number of male ejaculations to maximize prostate protection: 21 times a month.

According to the conclusions of this study, that would be enough 21 monthly ejaculations for reduce the risk of having prostate cancer 33%. Ejaculating promotes the expulsion of toxins from the body. Obviously, in addition to regular ejaculation, other factors are decisive for the health of the prostate, for example one healthy lifestyle ed regular physical activity.

What are the benefits of ejaculation?

Scientific observations have evaluated the positive properties related to ejaculation. Whether this occurs through sexual intercourse or using self-eroticism, ejaculation favors the evacuation of spermatozoa whose benefits have been scientifically established. In addition to reducing the risk of prostate cancer, this is why experts advise men to ejaculate frequently:

  • orgasm reduces the level of anxiety and stress. You will surely have noticed the typical state of relaxation that invests the body after sexual intercourse. Orgasm releases prolactin and oxytocin, hormones that promote falling asleep, into the body.
  • l’orgasm promotes heart health and improves blood circulation and oxygenation of the body as evidenced by this studio.
  • An orgasm can reduce a migraine and this proves it studio.

Not only orgasm but also the state of excitement it produces beneficial effects on health, also scientifically proven. The amplification of sexual desire causes it to secrete oxytocin and dopamine, hormones related to good mood and attachment, as demonstrated in present study. Arousal also promotes stress reduction.

Making love, having regular orgasms and ejaculations is enough for feel sexually fulfilled? Making love is important but it is also important feel satisfied and in harmony with the partner.

In addition to listening to your body and understanding what your personal desires and pleasures are, your paths that lead to pleasure, you must also know how to communicate them to your partner and make sure that it goes in this direction. Obviously this applies to both partners.

Do not forget theimportance of foreplay, make use of caresses and stimuli to nourish desire and intimate connection with each other and you will greatly improve the quality of your relationships.

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