I just downloaded Spotify. I’ve never really used the app. I only created an account once. So far I’ve only used these “illegal” apps where you have to download the songs. The problem with these apps is that they take up a lot of memory and are banned from the AppStore after what feels like a week. I have been using “ConverterBlack” since the end of 2020. Until recently, I didn’t really have any problems with the app, but about 2 months ago it was no longer possible to download songs. Unfortunately, the only way to get new ones is to copy the YouTube link, download the video onto your cell phone using an app and then import the song. Nobody is up for it. I never wanted to set up a Spotify account because I didn’t think there were all the songs I wanted to hear there anyway. Plus, it was all far too complicated for me (yes, I’m a grandpa when it comes to that). Anyway, now I have Spotify, I notice that all the songs are there, I’ve put them in a playlist, but I can’t listen to these songs. It’s different than my cousin’s (sent me a video recording). I don’t know if it’s because it has premium or because my account is almost a year old because I created it. I’ll pop in a pic. As you can see, there is no “button” to play this playlist. I know that without premium you can’t play in the correct order, but is that normal? And another question: can you ensure that suggested songs are played?
Mine: ⬆️ my cousin’s: ⬇️