Home » today » Health » How many months have baby’s teeth come out When is baby called slow teeth? along with how to deal with unrest

How many months have baby’s teeth come out When is baby called slow teeth? along with how to deal with unrest

How many months do baby’s teeth grow? Is a question new parents might ask themselves. baby teething milk teeth slowly Are you worried? We understand milk teeth. with the beginning of oral health care for the little ones

one ofchild developmentWhat the new parents are waiting for is the baby’s “First baby tooth” because when the baby’s teeth gradually grow one by one. Your child’s diet will change. more variety from the original eat only breast milk You will be able to eat banana puree, rice puree and hard paste foods. Also, baby teeth help your baby speak clearly. and it is a guideline for permanent teeth to also rise in the correct position, but When are children’s teeth? How many months do baby’s teeth grow? what kind is it calledbaby teething slowly Including the signs that your child’s teeth are about to come out, what are they? Follow to find the answer.

How many months do baby’s teeth grow?

Naturally Babies start having teeth at around 6 months of age. If parents see the whiteness sticking out of the baby’s gums, this is the first tooth. which is usually the lower central incisor After that, the teeth will grow on average 1 tooth per month until they reach 20 teeth at the age of about 2.5 to 3. Children’s teeth tend to grow gradually in the following order.

  • lower anterior teeth It will occur when the baby is around 6-8 months old.
  • upper front teeth It will occur when the baby is around 8-12 months old.
  • canines both above and below It will occur when the baby is around 16-20 months old.
  • large upper and lower molars It will occur when the baby is around 12-16 months old.
  • Small upper and lower molar teeth It will occur when the baby is around 20-30 months old.

But some babies may start erupting sooner or later, for example teeth at 3 months or just 1 year, don’t worry. not considered in any way abnormal

How many months is the slowest baby teething?

If your child is one and a half years old, but has not yet had a baby tooth. It can be considered a problem with slowly growing teeth. This occurs for many reasons, such as genetics or, in some cases, in premature babies. underweight But not for getting too much or too little calcium. or food to eat.The best way is to consult your doctor. to know the cause and how to treat it correctly

Baby’s teeth grow, what symptoms do you need to be prepared for?

When the baby’s teeth are raised, he will feel pain, shaking and a bad mood because as the baby’s teeth begin to grow. The edges of the teeth will push the gums upwards. Therefore, itchy gums that the first teeth tend to hurt the baby more AND it will hurt again when the molar teeth come out. because it is big

Signs that your baby is growing teeth include:

  • The child is irritable. fidgeting and crying more at night
  • a lot of saliva
  • Note that the gill ridges are pale, bulging, hard or red and swollen gums.
  • You will want to bite into everything you see. to try to reduce pain
  • Having a swarm of body heat, but not above 38 degrees Celsius, which is considered a fever
  • The baby wants to breastfeed more or bottle milk. Or they may refuse to breastfeed or bottle milk because they feel pain in their gums.
  • The child begins to lose appetite.
  • the baby does not sleep well
child development

How to relieve itchy baby gums

Knowing your baby’s teeth are raised Symptoms are particularly demanding because it hurts and itches around the gums. Here are some ways to relieve itchy gums:

  • Use a clean cloth moistened with cold water. Bring a thousand fingers to massage the baby’s gums. In addition to cleaning the gums, tongue and cheeks as well.
  • Use chilled BPA-free teether or chew toys to get your baby to chew. to relieve itchy gums In addition, chewing will help separate the gum tissue. Get your teeth raised easily.
  • If your child has gum pain and is very irritable, a baby pain reliever may be given to reduce pain in the gums.

Then when more than half of the teeth grow Parents can use a small toothbrush, soft bristles, rounded bristles to gently brush their teeth. using fluoride toothpaste But it only touches the tip of the bristles, a small amount is harmless. And after brushing, clean the bubbles and wipe your mouth with a clean cloth.

It can be seen that milk teeth are very important. Therefore, we should observe whether the child has full teeth or not. as well as always keeping your baby’s teeth clean and oral health This way, your baby’s baby teeth will be beautiful, not decayed and will be a good foundation for future permanent teeth.

Thanks for the information from: mouthhealth.org, healthy children.org, synphaet.co.th, facebook milk teeth

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