Until this summer, you can safely, sanely and forever, which is important, lose ten to fifteen kilos. A higher pace is not recommended, because then it would probably not be a permanent success, because you would have to lose weight at the cost of excessive starvation. This can’t last long. In addition, in such a case, you would most likely be missing not only calories, but also important nutrients.
In addition, most people don’t gain weight quickly and it won’t destroy anything, within a few months. This is also why it is good to stick to the motto “slowly and surely” when losing weight. Of course, it is necessary to keep an eye on the menu, in addition to the quantity, focus on its composition and complement the changes on the plate with appropriate movement.
The body has to get used to it
In any case, it is ideal to lose weight at a rate of half a kilo to a kilo per week, which means that you can lose up to ten to fifteen kilos in five months. Such a pace is also important because thanks to it, the body can get used to a different regime, i.e. to the fact that you eat more vegetables and whole grain bread or pasta, and overall you have a lower energy intake.
In the calculations of how much can be lost by the summer, it is necessary to include the fact that sometimes the weight loss will stop for a week or two without doing anything wrong, just as the pounds will not always disappear at the same rate. However, if a person were to lose more than a kilo per week, they should slow down.
The goal is not so much to lose pounds as to learn to eat differentlyPhoto: GettyImages.com – gpointstudio
Not for one summer
In any case, the goal should not be to lose weight for the coming summer, but the path to a lower weight accompanied by a change in lifestyle, which the person in question can maintain forever. Thanks to this, people can then continue to lose weight or maintain their new lower weight.
In recent years, it has been said that counting kilojoules does not make much sense, but for many people, this method is still a successful way to lose weight. It can also help everyone who wants to lose weight before this summer. It will help to find out what has how much energy, which foods should be included in the menu more often and which should be included only exceptionally, and what the correct portion size should look like. If a person losing weight devotes himself to counting for a few days or weeks at the beginning, he will gain valuable knowledge that he will use for the rest of his life. And you don’t have to calculate anything with a calculator and pencil in hand, you can use nutritional calculators and applications.
How to calculate income
Everyone has to determine their daily income according to their own requirements. For less active women who are losing weight, it is most often around 6,000 kilojoules. Alternatively, a little more if you are, for example, very physically active or have more extra pounds. Without consulting a specialist, the intake should never fall below five thousand kilojoules per day.
In any case, the diet of everyone who is trying to lose weight should be such that one does not feel hungry unnecessarily. This means enough protein and a reasonable amount of fat and suitable carbohydrates.
Proteins should ideally be included in every daily meal, as well as vegetables, which will add volume to the meal without a large amount of calories. To give you an idea, for example, a vegetable salad with lean chicken and some pasta or whole wheat bread will stave off hunger for a longer period of time than, for example, pasta with some cheese, even if both meals end up with the same caloric value. The pasta would only be a small portion and not contain enough satiating protein. Ideally, eat three main meals a day, include snacks as needed. It is not true that those who lose weight should also snack, it is not necessary and everyone sets a regimen that suits them.
When is it up to an expert?
Unfortunately, it may turn out that even with an intake of around six thousand kilojoules per day, the effort to reduce weight will not be successful, this happens, for example, in the case of people who have number of diet trials, due to which they face a slowed metabolism. Typically, for example, these are women between the ages of forty and fifty who do not overeat in any way, and yet do not lose weight, or their weight even increases.
They probably won’t do well without the help of a weight loss expert, because they will need a really well-prepared, balanced diet with enough protein to help build muscle. At the same time, they should include as much movement as possible, ideally also strength training, which is necessary for maintaining and building muscle mass.
Also, be careful not to unnecessarily compare your weight loss efforts with those around you – if someone has never lost weight and is now trying to do it with, say, a hundred kilos, they can lose ten kilos much faster than someone who tries to do it every year.