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How many eggs can you eat per week

When it comes to eggs, the prejudices of many Italians always emerge about these foods, which are cheap, tasty and very rich in proteins. Which at this moment, however, are giving a great help to many families in difficulty for their work.

Most of the time these are old theories concerning digestibility and cholesterol supply, the possible consequences on the liver. Let’s say right away that it is absolutely not true that eggs are bad for the liver. On the contrary, it has been found that they contain substances that can promote fat metabolism. Let’s now clarify the digestibility or not of eggs, with the Health Experts of ProiezionidiBorsa.

When eggs are to be avoided

How many eggs can you eat per week is a question that doesn’t produce a single answer. Does Cholesterol Level Go Up If You Eat Too Many Eggs?

This doubt scares patients with cardio-circulatory problems. Adults can safely eat four eggs a week and up to six if they usually practice a sport. Some prefer to alternate chicken eggs with duck eggs bought in organic shops and very small ones from quail.

Various doctors advise people with cholesterol problems to limit consumption to 2-3. Conversely, individuals with cholecystitis or gallstones should not eat them. Because an amino acid contained in the yolk causes a strong contraction of the biliary vesicle. Fortunately, today there are many tasty recipes without eggs, from homemade pasta to biscotti.

How many eggs can you eat per week

The supposed difficulties of digestibility are due not so much to the egg as food, but in relation to the seasoning that is associated and the chosen cooking.

Let’s go and reread the tables on digestion times: we discover that the soft-boiled egg leaves the stomach after an hour and a half. If it’s fried it takes 60 minutes longer. While if it is hard, you can easily exceed three hours. Those who habitually eat the egg early in the morning therefore take on a rather demanding digestion. But undoubtedly satisfying.

Famous Prime Minister Margareth Thatcher always started and finished the day with an omelette. To ensure a good source of omega 3 and to keep the weight stable.

In fact, each egg does not exceed the intake of 80 calories. Princess Kate does the same but, to keep her enviable figure and stave off the feeling of hunger, she takes a white omelette, made only of egg whites.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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