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How many ants are there on planet Earth?

  • Ants are eusocial insects of the Formicidae family. Eusocial means they are extraordinary social creatures that live in structured nesting communities around the world.
  • Ants evolved from the ancestor of the wasp wasps in the Cretaceous period and reproduced after the flowering plants appeared. Their bodies are separated into three parts: head, chest and stomach [bagian perut di belakang pinggang].
  • In an ant colony, the number can range from a few hundred to several thousand. However, most colonies have between 50,000 and 500,000 individuals. However, there are also those whose colonies reach millions of ants.
  • Researchers estimate that the Earth is home to about 20 quadrillion ants, or 20 billion million, or the face value of 20,000,000,000,000,000. [20 dengan 15 nol]. Compared to the human population, the number of ants in the world is approximately 2.5 million for every human being.

We may often hear that wherever we go, wherever we are, the ants are always there. Where we eat, in the bedroom, in the cupboard, in the trees, in the fruit we buy, in the cinema and in other places.

Of course, we also often encounter ant colonies with thousands of members. Since they live in colonies, it makes sense that they are social insects. Furthermore, they are the most widespread and significant insects on Earth. With these facts, we might ask, how many ants are there in the world?

Ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicides. Eusocial means they are extraordinary social creatures that live in structured nesting communities around the world. They are most closely related to bees and wasps, all of which have narrow waists that divide their bodies.

Ants evolved from the ancestor of the wasp wasps in the Cretaceous period and reproduced after the flowering plants appeared. Their bodies are separated into three parts: head, chest and stomach [bagian perut di belakang pinggang].

Ants are also living beings whose functions are very important for this planet. They are good for the environment and play an important role in the ecosystem. Ants help plants grow by fertilizing with droplets of nectar which they carry from flower to flower. They also serve as an important food source for other animals such as birds, lizards, scorpions, wasps, and spiders.

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Ants that we can easily see wherever we are. Photo: Unsplas / Prabir Kashyap / Free to use

Around the world there are almost ants on all continents, because basically they can survive well in various climates. Ants can be found in deserts, forests, homes, and even nuclear bunkers. As long as an adequate supply of food is nearby, they are likely to survive and thrive in most environments.

Although some ant colonies may have more specific types of vegetation that they prefer to eat, they will still find ways to gather food or establish colonies near that vegetation. This is why they are very hardy insects and are able to survive even the toughest conditions.

In an ant colony, the number can range from a few hundred to several thousand. However, most colonies have between 50,000 and 500,000 individuals. However, there are also those whose colonies reach millions of ants.

Ant colonies are eusocial and efficiently organized. There are queens, workers, drones and soldiers working together to make sure the colony runs smoothly and well.

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Ants are very important for environmental ecosystems. Photo: Pixabay / fotoblend / public domain

How many ants are there in the world?

Ants inhabit almost every part of the planet. Reported by Science notice, there are more than 15,700 species and subspecies of ants. Research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [PNAS]conducted an ant count analysis of 489 previous studies, covering 1,306 sampling sites, covering all major continents and biomes where ants live.

The research covers all continents and major ant habitats such as forests, deserts, grasslands and human settlements. Researchers estimate the total abundance of terrestrial ants at over 3 × 10 ^ 15 and estimate that the number of all ants on Earth is nearly 20 × 10 ^ 15 individuals. The result?

Researchers estimate that the Earth is home to about 20 quadrillion ants, or 20 billion million, or the face value of 20,000,000,000,000,000. [20 dengan 15 nol]. Compared to the human population, the number of ants in the world is approximately 2.5 million for every human being.

To predict the number of ants, scientists use a comprehensive dataset of studies, spanning 80 years, to predict what a community or environment will look like in the future.

For example, the team estimates that the number of soil-dwelling ants, which inhabit tropical and subtropical areas, such as the forests of South America, is about 3 quadrillion or 3,000 trillion. According to the data, the number of ants is very high in the tropical forests of West Africa compared to the areas of the Arctic.

Sabine S. Nooten, an insect ecologist and researcher at the University of Würzburg in Germany, estimates the number to be two to 20 times higher than the previous one.

“We were very surprised by the large number of ants we found. We had hardly any expectations because the figures that circulated earlier in the scientific literature were essentially plausible hypotheses and had very little empirical data to work with, “she said.

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Ants help plants grow by fertilizing with droplets of nectar which they carry from flower to flower. Photo: Pixabay / diego_torres / public domain

How long have ants been on Earth?

This planet has been inhabited by ants for a much longer period of time than we think. Most scientists agreed in advance that they have been around for at least 50 million years, which is proof that they have a high survival rate. Furthermore, it is for this reason that there are so many alive today.

However, a study published in 2006 suggested that ants may have evolved tens of millions of years earlier than previously thought, up to 168 million years ago.

During the Cretaceous-Tertiary era about 65 million years ago, a mass extinction event in which many dinosaurs and other prehistoric animal species were wiped out, ant species managed to survive through it. Compared to humans, ants have been on Earth for a longer period of time.

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Ants live in colonies and are social insects. Photo: Unsplash / Alexas_Fotos / Public domain

Food for ants and predators

Ants are omnivorous insects when it comes to food. In other words, ants are not picky. Almost everything, including meat and plants, will be eaten by them. The food is brought back to the nest by the ants, which are capable of carrying more than 10 times their own weight.

Due to their small size, ants are also a staple food for many other animals. Ants are regularly eaten by various animals. Among them are beetles, caterpillars, snakes, birds, lizards, spiders and snails. Obviously, ants play a very important role in the environment. [Berbagai sumber]

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