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How long will we live according to our zodiac sign. Invaluable advice – 2024-08-18 20:07:42

ARIES – Avoid stress

Aries easily get excited about something and explode, and therefore lack self-control and patience.

They are dominant and strong willed. They can be rude, hasty and intolerant. They are very emotional.

This leads to the development of stress, depression, headaches and insomnia. But in general, Aries have a very impressive life expectancy. The vulnerable places of this sign are mainly the head, sleep, heart.

This sign is prone to migraine attacks, heart disease, periods of insomnia.

If you control the mode of activity and night rest you can increase the life expectancy to more than 79-83 years.

TAURUS – Obesity is your enemy

The bright and long life of Taurus (83-86 years) is due to their activity and readiness for self-sacrifice.

This sign rushes to help relatives and strangers at the first call. To Taurus, their longevity is guaranteed by the stars.

Women have every chance to celebrate their 80th birthday, and men, after overcoming this milestone, will live closer to 82 years.

However, Taurus’s tendency to obesity, diseases of the genitourinary system and joints can significantly shorten their years.

They should not take risks for trifles. Women can boast of excellent physical endurance, but they should not overload themselves with work.

GEMINI – Keep your mind

Gemini constantly thinks about their life and searches for its meaning. They are often overwhelmed by boredom and despondency, turning into depression.

As a result, problems with the respiratory system, weight and diseases of the limbs can occur.

Fasting and diets are contraindicated. The Gemini body does not accept exhaustion.

Take care of your stomach, eat right and you will live to 84-88 years. Try to keep your mental clarity as long as possible.

You must be careful while driving. Gemini women have good health, but it is worth protecting against colds.

Men are less immune. After 45 years, the risk of lung diseases increases.

CANCER – Rely on the doctors

Cancers are suspicious and often find signs of non-existent diseases in themselves. It happens that they do not believe in their recovery, which undermines the body’s internal reserves.

People born under this sign are prone to depression and psychosis, and this affects other aspects of health. They are encouraged to play sports. Cancer women often suffer from headaches and myopia.

Their average life expectancy is over 75 years.

The weak point in men is immunity, and with age problems arise in the joints and stomach.

The main rule: promote a healthy lifestyle and do not neglect the help of doctors.

LEO – Listen to your body

People born under this sign do not like to complain and often hide painful symptoms from their loved ones, delay treatment until the last and then resent the high price of the medicine.

Typical diseases are problems with the spine, joints, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

In old age, they may be overweight, but they do not turn white for a long time. In the fight against the diseases of lions, they are helped by the optimism inherent in the representatives of this sign.

They should listen to their body and visit a doctor at the first symptoms. Women complain of heart problems and live to be over 79 years old. Life expectancy in men is up to over 75 years.

VIRGO – Hardworking centenarians

Virgos are not deprived of health, although most of them have a vulnerable digestive system and suffer from disorders related to its work.

But despite this, astrologers call Virgos the healthiest and most hardworking centenarians.

They are used to taking care of their health. At the same time, sports will not be superfluous for them.

Virgo women can boast of excellent health and will live more than 80 years. Virgo men can go beyond 85 years.

Virgos are so busy with household and official duties that most minor ailments simply do not notice them.

Typical diseases are problems with the digestive system, lumbar spine, early farsightedness.

LIBRA – Weak immunity

This sign is not distinguished by longevity, but the hidden reserves of the body enter into battle with diseases and successfully defeat them.

Life expectancy is visibly over 83 years for both men and women. The stars recommend maintaining a balance of temperature and humidity in the home.

They have the opportunity to argue with stubborn astronomical statistics and gain a few more years of life if they take care of their weak immunity.

The high protective properties of the body will help Libra to avoid other potential risks – diseases of the skin, waist and kidneys.

It is important to avoid places with high humidity and cold. They should not miss vaccinations and overwork themselves.

SCORPIO – You don’t believe in medicine

The problem of this sign is their dislike of treatment and mistrust of medicine. They will never go to the hospital, but they trust in a higher power.

The average life expectancy is over 75 years, and can be longer if they use medical care. Take care of your health from an early age.

They prefer to end their life journey before reaching old age, if only to get rid of medical intervention in their lives.

They suffer from diseases of the liver, genitourinary system, various infections, and also very often suffer from various injuries.

SAGITTARIUS – Hardening of the body

Sagittarians are not very healthy. Yes, they themselves are careless about their health. Both men and women should pay more attention to fitness and tempering.

Also control the work of the genitourinary system. In a favorable scenario, they are guaranteed a minimum of 75-80 years of life.

Musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems with a full bouquet of chronic diseases literally shorten the life of Sagittarius.

It is important for Sagittarius women of age to regularly take vitamin preparations to maintain an attractive appearance of the skin and hair.

Men must pay more serious attention to their prostate. Avoid stressful situations.

CAPRICORN – Drive carefully

This strong sign from childhood knows what it takes to get something better. Capricorn bravely and patiently endures all colds and illnesses, not forgetting to undergo preventive examinations and consultations.

Until old age (88-92 years), Capricorn will have good eyesight, excellent memory and hearing. Their weak point is the respiratory organs.

In addition, Capricorn women are prone to diseases of the genitourinary system. They are a “magnet” for injuries and accidents, so they should be careful when driving.

Capricorn in age is reserved and attractive. In adulthood, the threat to the joints, bile ducts and digestive system is high.

AQUARIUS – be careful with your teeth

Aquarians live to be over 75 years old while breaking the medical chain of logic. In winter, they can be healthy even after contact with the source of the virus.

But in the summer, it is easy for them to get pneumonia, because their weak point is the throat and they often go to bed with a fever after a cold drink.

They may have digestive and stomach problems. Women suffer from low blood pressure.

Men do not know how to deal with stress, which leads to mental disorders. People of this sign are prone to depression, various diseases of the teeth and gums, varicose veins.

Aquarians remain attractive in old age, although they often become overweight.

PISCES – Beware of colds

This is the sickest sign. From childhood, Pisces suffer from colds, allergies and infections.

Adults are prone to diseases of the joints, lungs and skin, anemia.

Women are more susceptible to colds. Men suffer from physical overload. Adult fish are usually slender and young, with excellent mobility and mental alertness.

For Pisces women, life expectancy is around and over 83 years, for men around and over 80. At an early age, be outdoors more often and avoid hot springs.

Pisces are prone to excessive emotionality – they take everything too personally. Although water is their element, they should be more careful with it.

Source: The New Knowledge

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