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How Long Will Eliezer Get Protection from the LPSK as a Justice Collaborator?


The judge acknowledged the status of justice collaborator (JC) Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu in relation to the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Yosua. Then, how long will the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) provide protection for Eliezer, who has JC status?

“Protection will still be given. Maybe even if it’s inrah, if we assess that there is still a potential threat, yes, we will also continue to provide protection to Richard,” said Deputy Chairperson of the LPSK, Susilaningtias, when contacted, Wednesday (15/2/2023).

Providing protection to JC is not only until the case is finished trial. As long as the results of the LPSK analysis still have the potential to endanger JC’s life, Susila said that his party would continue to provide protection until it felt safe.

“But after the pledge, if we judge that there is no longer a threat, yes, we will stop protecting it. That’s why we will analyze and evaluate it related to the level of vulnerability for Richard,” he continued.

Even though Eliezer will be released from prison, Susila said Eliezer could still receive protection. It all depends on the conditions and potential threats.

“You can (get protection even though you are released later). We have done this several times to protect others, for example JC is free, we analyze that there are still potential threats that we will provide protection for. Witnesses are the same way, the case has been resolved, we are still provide protection,” he said.

Susila further said that the Eliezer family could also receive protection from the LPSK. Provided the family submits an application.

“As for Eliezer’s protection, his family has not submitted an application for protection. Richard has also not submitted a request for protection. They have the right to receive protection from the LPSK. If later they ask for protection from the LPSK, we are ready,” he added.

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