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How long should you walk a day to improve blood circulation in the legs?

The leg muscle pump is a natural mechanism that is activated by movement, facilitating the return of blood from the lower extremities to the heart. Walking is one of the most effective ways to stimulate this process, which means it is an excellent tool for improving blood circulation.

In addition to preventing problems such as varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, walking regularly contributes to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. By putting the leg muscles in motion, it helps blood flow more efficiently, preventing buildup in the veins. This simple exercise, in addition to improving vascular health, also contributes to general well-being by maintaining an adequate weight and improving physical endurance.

How long should you walk a day to improve circulation in your legs?

To get the most out of the benefits of walking on leg circulation, health experts recommend dedicating at least 30 minutes a day to this activity. However, it is not necessary to walk the 30 minutes continuously; if time is a limiting factor, it can be divided into two sessions of 15 minutes each, in the morning and in the afternoon, with equally effective results.

The idea behind this minimum duration is that by walking for that long, the muscle pump is constantly activated, facilitating the return of blood to the heart and reducing the risk of blood pooling in the extremities. In addition, walking half an hour a day also has other positive effects on health, such as controlling body weight and improving cardiovascular endurance, which indirectly contribute to better blood flow.

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