Home » today » News » How long is the travel warning issued by the Department of Emergency Management for the threat of flash floods in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

How long is the travel warning issued by the Department of Emergency Management for the threat of flash floods in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

information on whenthe rain comes and you sing itwaiting.hope: a day like today,New Yorkers stay inalert of what may happen.let’s go to lower manhattan, insidea little will be offeredPress conference. theexplain the fear ofusers.factor: hope, goodafternoon everyone.if there is something they have learnedresidents not to be taken tolightly these prognoses ofstormy conditions likethose to come.all thanks to the experience ofida, que deó variosvictims.for those who live in cellars,hundreds of families try toget your years back. there is aemergency that goes from8:00 at night until 5:00in the afternoon of this Tuesday.that a virtual center has activatedemergency operationcoordinated by the state, theprivate sector. 1400synonymous organizationsprofit help this network withthere is a bill that haspresented the defender oftown, but you are recommendedmeasures to communities,especially those thatthey live in oceans.we spoke a few moments agowith a representative of themanagement officeemergencies.>> our agency since yesterdayin the morning and today they collaborateto respond to the relief that goesto come.we have had conferencesteleonics with our partnersfrom the other agencies.we are discussing howclean the streets, cleansewers, visit thestreets and highways where there arefloods.factor: if it is aemergency, call 911. toinformation about alerts inweather conditions,This is line 311. in seequates the conference of

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