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How Laws are Forged in the National Assembly: The Shocking Revelations of Delyan Dobrev

The deputy from GERB and head of the energy committee in the parliament Delyan Dobrev clearly showed, without any concern, how laws are forged in the National Assembly. He sincerely admitted that he slept through an extremely important lobbyist and, in his opinion, harmful amendment, the co-sponsor of which is none other than GERB leader Boyko Borisov.

In numerous TV interviews, Dobrev revealed how easy it is to push lobbyist texts without anyone in the parliament noticing. Their proponent simply has to submit them at the last moment, tucked into the transitional and final provisions of another law for second reading, bypassing the line committee. This is how it is guaranteed that no one will understand what it is about, there will be no discussions, no questions. Then, just as easily, in the plenary hall, the texts pass and

even the deputies, supposedly experts on the subject, do not know what they voted for.

Thus, the obligation to keep all emergency fuel stocks within the country was born, with importers and producers having 12 months to comply with this provision. Dobrev blamed the change on Finance Minister and co-chairman of PP Asen Vasilev, although the official proponents are Borisov /GERB/, Delyan Peevski /DPS/, Ivaylo Mirchev /DB/ and Radoslav Ribarski /PP/. “The big winner from the legal amendment is LUKoil Neftohim, whose interests are protected by Asen Vassilev himself,” Dobrev claims. “Allow me once in so many years in the National Assembly to sleep through a legal amendment,” the head of the energy commission cheekily justified himself.

But it’s not just once. There are plenty of examples, even more egregious, that Dobrev overslept or simply turned a blind eye to. By his own admission, he is very suspicious of energy and is constantly on the lookout for scams. It is interesting how, then, during the entire period of managing GERB, Dobrev did not notice at all that the only oil refinery in Bulgaria

has not paid profit tax for years,

because it reports accounting losses. Didn’t he suspect there was something rotten about it? Dobrev apparently also slept through the close relationship of his boss Boyko Borisov with the long-time head of “LUKoil” in Bulgaria, Valentin Zlatev. Only he has not heard of their strong friendship in the game of cards. And he was never gnawed by the worm of doubt whether Borisov was not serving the interests of the Russian company.

Dobrev never asked himself why the Burgas refinery turned a deaf ear to the installation of measuring devices in its warehouses. Or why for years the antimonopoly commission did not find a problem with the access of other traders to these warehouses and to the fuel market? And perhaps, as Minister of Economy and Energy, Dobrev was asleep and did not understand these business problems.

Delyan Dobrev is the 24/7 watcher

the construction of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline also fell through the cracks,

which was financed entirely at the expense of the Bulgarian state to serve Russia’s markets in Eastern Europe. We have not heard Dobrev ask if this is not a harmful lobbying decision in favor of “Gazprom”, as today it is jumping around who and why pushed an additional fee of BGN 20 per megawatt hour for the transit of Russian gas through the pipeline.

Today, Dobrev is most brazenly indignant about who is obstructing and delaying things, so that LUKoil Neftohim does not pay a contribution to the “Security of the Electric Power System” fund for the price difference of the cheap Russian Ural gas and the European Brent gas. But he did not pay attention to the fact that he and his fellow party members voted for the law to enter into force only after it is approved by the EC. Now they urgently change the law, because a notification from Brussels was not necessary.

Dobrev even threatened Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov with court if he did not implement the law sooner rather than later and collect “73 cents” from each liter of fuel. As the Gerber deputy was in such a hurry, why did he unwind for so many months and

did not propose to re-vote the law earlier

without the notification requirement from the European Commission? Did you remember the days before the local elections?

Delyan Dobrev slept through one more notification (and not only him) – the one about the cancellation of LUKoil’s concession for the Rosenets port. The law on control over the implementation of restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine was adopted at the beginning of 2023 with the votes of GERB, PP-DB and DPS. It is unclear why here too it was voted to ask Brussels first and only after approval to proceed to action. Naturally, the official cabinet turned a deaf ear, but the deputies should be angry with themselves. The removal of the condition for notification at least happened already in the summer and was not so hysterically waved in the media, as now the two Delyanov citizens (Dobrev and Peevski) are acting in sync.

Finally, if Dobrev has information about bribes being handed out, he should not throw hints left and right, but clearly say who received when, how much and for what, and file a report with the prosecutor’s office. Everything else is elementary propaganda.

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2023-10-28 22:56:21

#Delyan #Dobrev #sleep

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