Home » today » News » How Kiev will blow up the Crimean bridge: Ukraine’s secret plan revealed – 2024-04-10 21:36:23

How Kiev will blow up the Crimean bridge: Ukraine’s secret plan revealed – 2024-04-10 21:36:23

/ world today news/ The destruction of the Crimean bridge has become an obsession of Ukraine, which is not capable of creating, but is always ready to destroy. The fact that Kiev is preparing a new third strike is emphasized by the speakers of the post-Maidan regime themselves. Well, Tsalgrad, with the help of an expert, tried to understand what these attacks could be and how they could be countered.

He promised to blow it up a third time

To distract the attention of the common man from the failures at the front, the coffins that arrive every day (and it’s good if they come, it’s worse when a person is on the list of missing) in Ukrainian cities and villages, the lawlessness of the military commissars who they grab and beat people in the streets and public transport stops, his mind is lulled with the help of “telemarathons”.

On the only TV channel in the country that survived Zelensky’s censorship, Ukrainians are fed 24 hours a day with exalting information about the fact that we are about to defeat the “horde” and that the whole civilized world supports us in this.

Here is another work of the Ukrainian propagandists-documentaries, called “SBU. Special operations of the victory. The Crimean bridge for an encore” is intended for exactly this – creating the corresponding effect on the deceived common man. They say that the cunning and extremely brave and resourceful Ukrainian special service is effectively fighting the “enemy”, which means that everything is going as it should and victory is very close, just around the corner.

We gave him (Putin) the right gift. And the second time we hit the bridge using proper sea drones like Sea baby, this time entering not from the land of course, but from the sea. This is a slap in the face for Putin and Russia. The Crimean bridge is doomed. He has no place on the legal territory of Ukraine,

– said one of the heroes of the film with the appearance of a typical Banderov executioner, the head of the SBU Vasiliy Malyuk.

Of course, this “spiritually uplifting” bravado pursues all of the aforementioned goals. But at the same time, Maluk’s words cannot be underestimated. Because, yes, they blew up the bridge. Only twice. For the first time – on October 8 last year with the help of a truck with explosives. For the second time on July 17 this year – with the help of a surface drone.

After last year’s terrorist attack, the majority of Russian residents were convinced that the relevant structures had drawn the right conclusions and nothing like this could be repeated at the strategic site connecting Crimea with the continent. One of the federal publications even published a scheme for the security of the Crimean bridge.

There was everything from space satellites to combat swimmers. Plus a variety of anti-aircraft missile systems, warships and aircraft. And even specially trained dolphins. Nevertheless, the explosion happened.

The expansion of the practice of sabotage and terrorist attacks is the meaning of the statement of the head of the SBU. And this is a serious challenge for Russia. Appealing to the world community is pointless. The SBU is a branch of the US CIA, so these terrorist attacks are supported by the US and the EU and NATO and their allies. The entire global south is used to harsh methods and is simply looking to see who will be stronger,

– commented on the words of the head of the SBU, the political scientist Sergey Markov, who suggests that in the face of such threats Russia will apparently abandon self-restraints on the use of unconventional forms of warfare.”

Strikes from the bottom and from the air

Tsargrad, in turn, decided to turn to a military expert, retired colonel Yuri Knutov, to try to understand what was behind Malyuk’s words. And can Russia calculate all the risks involved?

According to the expert, Ukraine specifically purchased underwater drones, originally intended for demining, from the United Kingdom (now, it seems, German and American ones have also appeared). They are shaped like a large torpedo. The American ones were much larger, but the British created a much smaller model and on its basis developed a drone capable of blowing up the supports of the Crimean bridge. A video on this topic has already been shown: a drone floats up, blows up a support, and the Crimean bridge is destroyed.

Tsargrad: How can Russia counter this?

Yuri Knutov: It is necessary to strengthen the defense of the Crimean bridge. Put not just nets, but more serious barriers – perhaps metal nets that prevent the passage of underwater vehicles. And they even have to go along the entire Crimean bridge. In addition, it is necessary to establish a duty of small anti-submarine ships that can detect underwater vehicles and destroy them. In addition, all this must be done quite quickly due to the fact that the enemy is dealing with this problem quite seriously.

– In your opinion, is the Crimean bridge sufficiently protected now?

– The bridge is protected, but the enemy is constantly thinking of new ways to undermine it. And prepares terrorist attacks and possible strikes using ATACMS missiles. Perhaps they are preparing strikes using an underwater drone instead of a surface one. The possibility of airstrikes must also be taken into account – air defense must be strengthened with systems capable of defeating ATACMS and other ballistic missiles – Ukraine has, for example, Grom – 2.

We shoot at them and shoot them down, the most important thing is that there are working systems on combat duty. In addition, as I have already said, anti-submarine weapons must be combated.

– Maluk talks about some surprises in the film…

– Attempts at terrorist attacks and explosions on the bridge itself cannot be ruled out. The worst thing is the possibility of mining the train. For example, they mine a train, calculate when it will reach a certain level, give a command with a mobile phone or a drone, and an explosion occurs. This is the most dangerous and at the same time the cheapest and most effective method (of carrying out a terrorist attack – note ed.).

So what?

The enemy, of course, will still try to hit the Crimean Bridge. Maybe not just once. Because for him this bridge is a symbol of Russia’s return to the primeval lands of Southwest Rus. Of her unity with them. Therefore, it is far more important for him to do some destructive mischief there than to even successfully strike the Moscow Kremlin.

Another thing is that Moscow, knowing that the enemy is preparing and has plans for the bridge, should not wait passively. As you know, the best defense is offense. And it is better to pre-emptively strike the predator in its lair.

Translation: ES

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