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how it works, benefits and risks

This is how the Japanese water diet works with all its characteristics, the benefits for the body but also the risks that can be run.

Woman drinking a glass of water (Pixabay)

In Japan the water diet, a particular method that has been approved by the Japan Medical Association and which has its roots in a long tradition. We know very well that an organism, in order to stay in perfect health, needs a lot of water every day, at least 2 liters.

However, in this Japanese practice, you have to drink lots of water in the morning as soon as you wake up. The water must not be too cold because otherwise it slows down digestion by hardening the oils and fats received from food. You need to drink water at room temperature or warm in order to perfectly cleanse the intestine. This technique undoubtedly leads to gods benefitsbut there are also gods risks.

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Let’s see, first of all, how this very particular diet works, what benefits it brings to the body and what risks can be run for health according to experts.

Japanese water diet: benefits and harms

drink water health
Woman drinking a bottle of water (Adobe Stock)

The diet works like this: when you wake up you have to drink 4 or 5 glasses of 160 ml water, naturally on an empty stomach and before brushing your teeth. Then, before having breakfast you have to wait at least 45 minutes. At each meal of the day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, you have to eat for only 15 minutes and wait at least 2 hours before eating or drinking anything else.

According to experts, this technique must be used for a few days, which can vary according to the condition that you want to treat. For example, if you have diabetes it takes 30 days, as well as to treat high blood pressure. The period is extended to 180 days if you have cancer and is reduced to 10 days if you want to fight constipation. For all this, however, there is no scientific evidence.

Water is definitely good for you and there are gods benefits for the body that include the benefit of the intestine, accelerate metabolism, make the kidneys work better, eliminate toxins, certainly take in fewer calories and lose weight. However, too much water could result in side effects. Water should not be drunk in quantities greater than 1 liter in an hour because this makes it difficult for the kidneys that have to process it. In addition, the space of 15 minutes to eat is not healthy, you run the risk of eating quickly, chewing little, all elements harmful to digestion.

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In conclusion, for any doubt or question you must contact an expert in the sector as it could be very dangerous to do diets on your own that are online. Each person needs to vary the quantities according to their state of health.

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